15+5 min talks.
Chair: Dennis D. Dietrich
Ali Seraj
(IPM, Tehran, Iran)
20/07/2015, 14:00
We construct the classical phase space of Near-Horizon Extremal Geometries with fixed angular momenta and entropy. Each element in the phase space is a geometry with SL(2,R)×U(1)d−3 Killing isometries which has vanishing SL(2,R) and constant U(1) charges.
In four spacetime dimensions, the symmetry algebra consists of the familiar Virasoro algebra, while in d>4 dimensions the symmetry algebra,...
Mattia Colombo
(University of Nottingham)
20/07/2015, 14:20
When Lorentz symmetry is broken, defining the concept of Black Hole becomes highly non-trivial. In this talk I wish to discuss the problems related to such definition and introduce a way to define the causal structure and horizons for a manifold with a preferred foliation.
Marcela Cárdenas
(Universidad de Concepción, Centro de Estudios Científicos)
20/07/2015, 14:40
We present a Chern-Simons-like description of three-dimensional gravity with negative cosmological constant, where the matter source is a conformally coupled real scalar field. This description is based on a first-order action that provides a set of field equations equivalent to that derived from the usual second-order action. The system admits a rotating hairy black hole solution, which is...
Andrea Giugno
(University of Bologna)
20/07/2015, 15:00
We study a corpuscular model of evaporating black holes consisting of a large number $N$
of self-confined bosons. The single-particle spectrum contains a discrete ground state of energy $m$ (corresponding to toy gravitons forming a black hole), and a gapless continuous spectrum (to accommodate for Hawking radiation with energy $\omega>m$).
In particular, we consider each constituent in a...