Luciano Rezzolla
(ITP, Goethe University Frankfurt)
20/07/2015, 10:00
Gravitational collapse to a rotating black hole is a common and recurrent feature of the dynamics of compact stars. I will discuss several examples of this process and the implications they have in potentially explaining some of the most dramatic and puzzling processes in astrophysics.
Frans Pretorius
21/07/2015, 09:00
I will review what been learnt in recent years about the ultra-relativistic collision problem in classical general relativity. This area has connections to super-Planck scale particle collisions and the interaction of gravitational shock waves, and addresses questions pertinent to cosmic censorship, black hole formation and the hoop conjecture. I will also discuss some open questions and...
Valeria Ferrari
(Sapienza Rome)
21/07/2015, 10:00
It is known that black holes have no hair, which means that they are fully described by only three parameters: mass, spin and charge. Conversely, a neutron star may have a very rich multipole structure, and all information about this structure is supposed to be radiated away during the gravitational collapse. However, the transition from a fully hairy star to a bald black hole may not be so...
Claus Lämmerzahl
23/07/2015, 14:00