15+5 min talks.
Chair: Roberto Casadio
Hui-Yiing Chang
(University of South Carolina Sumter)
20/07/2015, 16:00
We examine a quintessence model with a modified exponential potential given by $V(\phi) = V_0(1 + e^{-\lambda \phi})$. We determine the evolution of the equation of state parameter, $w_\phi$, and the density parameter, $\Omega_\phi$, as a function of the scale factor. Our model, unlike quintessence with a standard exponential potential, can produce an acceptable accelerated expansion at late...
Cristi Stoica
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
20/07/2015, 16:20
Schwarzschild's solution is the soul of General Relativity (GR). It was found immediately after Einstein found his equation, and plays an essential role in the approximations that allow us to test GR in our solar system. Moreover, the most notable problems of GR, such as the occurrence of singularities and the information paradox, were found on the background provided by Schwarzschild's...
Tigran Kalaydzhyan
(Stony Brook University)
20/07/2015, 16:40
Within the general theory of relativity, the curvature of space-time is related to the energy and momentum of the present matter and radiation. One of the more specific predictions of general relativity is the deflection of light and particle trajectories in the gravitational field of massive objects. Bending angles for electromagnetic waves and light in particular were measured with a high...
Tatsuo Azeyanagi
(Ecole Normale Superieure)
20/07/2015, 17:00
In this presentation, I will revisit the Noether charge formulation of black hole entropy in the presence of gravitational Chern-Simons terms in higher dimensions. I will provide a manifestly covariant formulation of the differential Noether charge and prove the (generalized version of) black hole entropy formula for gravitational Chern-Simons terms proposed by Tachikawa. In the context of...
Mirah Gary
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, TU Wien)
20/07/2015, 17:20
Working in three dimensions, we introduce flat space spin-3 gravity in the presence of chemical potentials and discuss some applications to flat space cosmology solutions, their entropy, free energy and flat space orbifold singularity resolution. Our results include flat space Einstein gravity with chemical potentials as special case. We discover novel types of phase transitions between flat...
Francesca Vidotto
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
23/07/2015, 15:00
Quantum gravity may allow black holes to tunnel into white holes. If so, the lifetime of a black hole would be shorter than the one given by Hawking evaporation, solving the information paradox. More interestingly, this could open to a new window for quantum-gravity phenomenology, in connection with the existence of primordial black holes. I discuss in particular the power of the associated...