15+5 min talks.
Chair: D. Dietrich
Supakchai Ponglertsakul
21/07/2015, 14:00
A charged scalar field can be used to extract energy from a charged black hole via superradiant scattering. A mirror-like or AdS boundary could lead the system to an instability. This is because the scalar fields are trapped outside the black hole and repeatedly amplified, there-fore ultimately the back-reaction on the black hole background will become non-negligible.
A charged scalar field...
Antonia Micol Frassino
21/07/2015, 14:20
I will talk about the effects of higher curvature corrections from Lovelock gravity on the phase structure of asymptotically AdS black holes, treating the cosmological constant as a thermodynamic pressure.
Andrea Addazi
21/07/2015, 14:40
We show how a system of $N>>1$ horizonless conic singularities, with average opening angle at the horizon $\langle \Theta \rangle=2\pi$, can effectively approximate the geometry and the entropy of a semiclassical black hole. We test what happen to in-going informations in such a system, with a simple gedanken experiment: we consider a plane wave function in-going in this system of N conic...
Eugene Kur
(University of California, Berkeley)
21/07/2015, 15:00
I will discuss multisymplectic geometry and its application to finite spacetime regions. This allows one to perform a 3+1 decomposition where the spatial slice need not be a Cauchy surface. I show how this can lead to a modification of the symplectic structure, Hamilton's principle function, and momentum maps (conserved charges). Such modifications are in the form of boundary terms which can...
Sven Köppel
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Sciences)
21/07/2015, 15:20
I will talk about the extension of general uncertainty principle (GUP) inspired black holes to the scenario of large spatial extradimensions (ADD).