Carlo Rovelli
(Marseille University)
22/07/2015, 11:30
I describe an extension of the Schwarzschild metric that describes matter collapsing into a black hole and then bouncing out of a white hole. The metric is locally, but not globally, isomorphic to the Kruskal extension, and has a compact internal region where a violation of the Einstein equations mimics quantum effects. The metric may describe an actual black hole explosion.
Daniel Grumiller
(TU Vienna)
22/07/2015, 14:00
If the holographic principle is a true aspect of Nature it must work beyond AdS/CFT. In this talk I address a particular aspect of the question how general holography is by considering flat space holography. I report recent progress, in particular the calculation of stress tensor correlators in three-dimensional gravity, microstate counting and holographic entanglement entropy, all of which...