Robin Devenish
06/04/2009, 13:30
Terry Wyatt
(University of Manchester)
06/04/2009, 13:45
Collider Physics
Paul Newman
(Birmingham University)
06/04/2009, 14:30
Collider Physics
Francesca di Lodovico
06/04/2009, 15:00
Collider Physics
Aoife Bharucha
(University of Durham)
06/04/2009, 16:00
Flavour Physics
The rare decay B -> K* (-> K pi) mu+ mu- is regarded as one of the crucial channels for B physics as the polarization of the K* allows a precise angular reconstruction resulting in many observables. We investigate all observables in the context of the Standard Model and various New Physics models, in particular the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity and various MSSM scenarios, identifying...
Frank Siegert
(University of Durham)
06/04/2009, 16:00
QCD and EW
An improved prescription of merging matrix elements with parton showers is presented, extending the CKKW approach. This new method preserves the logarithmic accuracy of the shower.
Martin Haigh
(University of Warwick)
06/04/2009, 16:00
Detectors and Future Facilities
The Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) is an APD array operated in Geiger mode, marketed by Hamamatsu. These devices achieve comparable performance to PMTs, with the advantages of compactness and insensitivity to magnetic fields. They have great potential in HEP applications, and are being used in the ND280 near detector of the T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment. Results from the testing and...
Michael Sigamani
(Queen Mary, University of London)
06/04/2009, 16:15
Flavour Physics
We present a partial branching fraction for the inclusive charmless semileptonic decay of b->ulnu, leading to the determination of the CKM matrix element |Vub|.
Alexander Richards
(University College London)
06/04/2009, 16:15
Detectors and Future Facilities
outline of the software stability testing framework and fast ATLAS simulation with a view to getting ready for early data at the LHC
Jacob Linacre
(University of Oxford)
06/04/2009, 16:15
QCD and EW
We present a top quark mass measurement using ttbar candidate events for the lepton+jets decay channel from ppbar collisions at 1.96 TeV at CDF. The top quark mass is extracted by employing an unbinned maximum likelihood method using per-event probability density functions calculated using signal (ttbar) and background (W+jets) matrix elements, as well as a set of parameterised jet-to-parton...
Katie Oliver
(University of Oxford)
06/04/2009, 16:30
QCD and EW
ZEUS is a multi-purpose detector located on the electron-proton HERA collider. Since an upgrade to HERA in 2000, the lepton beams may be longitudinally polarised. This allows tests of the chiral nature of the Standard Model to be undertaken. Of particular interest is the charged current cross-section, which the Standard Model tells us depends on the polarisation of the incoming lepton. Results...
Jamie Ballin
(Imperial College London)
06/04/2009, 16:30
Detectors and Future Facilities
Information from the tracking, calorimetry and muon detection systems of the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, can be combined to give a holistic description of a proton-proton collision in terms of photons, electrons, muons and hadrons. A 'particle flow' technique is presented which seeks to determine the energy and momenta of these particles. By decomposing events in this...
William Reece
(Imperial College London)
06/04/2009, 16:30
Flavour Physics
The decay Bd->K*mumu is a rare b->s quark transition which is of great interest as a probe of beyond the Standard Model physics at the LHC. LHCb will be able to collect such large samples of these decays that a full angular analysis will be possible within a few years. Methods developed for performing this analysis will be presented, and some aspects of the related phenomenology discussed.
Lisa Dwyer
(University of Liverpool)
06/04/2009, 16:45
Detectors and Future Facilities
The Vertex Locator (VeLo) is a silicon based particle detetor in the LHCb experiment. The testbeam data taken with 10 final production VeLo modules exhibited the effects of crosstalk. A method has been developed to correct the data for this effect. A large amount of crosstalk is seen in the data, suggesting that its cause is a combination of charge sharing in the readout cables and an offset...
James Keates
(University of Manchester)
06/04/2009, 16:45
QCD and EW
Super-leading logarithmic terms have previously been observed in non-global QCD observables. This talk details a fixed order calculation of super-leading logarithms in the gaps-between-jets process. This calculation confirms previous results and extends them to O(alpha_s^5).
Laurence Carson
(University of Glasgow)
06/04/2009, 16:45
Flavour Physics
Studies related to two-body charmless hadronic decays of B mesons (B->hh decays) at LHCb are presented. Application of an incorrect proper time resolution model in the analysis to measure the CKM angle gamma may bias the fitted values of gamma and other parameters. A Monte Carlo-independent method to extract the resolution model from data is described. Also a selection for the rare decays...
Patrick Spradlin
(University of Oxford)
06/04/2009, 17:00
Flavour Physics
Copious charm hadron production at LHCb will produce physics measurements with world-leading precision, but, first, charm events must be recorded to tape. This talk will discuss triggering strategies at LHCb and some of their consequences for charm physics selection and analysis.
Simone Marzani
(University of Manchester)
06/04/2009, 17:00
QCD and EW
We study the effects of QCD radiation on the cross section for the production of two jets with a cut on the transverse momentum of any radiation in the rapidity gap between them at the Large Hadron Collider. This is process is of a great phenomenological interest on its own, and moreover it closely related to Higgs production in WBF. A deep understading of this calculation is also very import...
Young Min Kim
(University of Edinburgh)
06/04/2009, 17:00
Detectors and Future Facilities
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors of the LHCb experiment, at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), have been built to provide charged particle identification. Hybrid Photon Detectors (HPDs) are used to detect the Cherenkov photons produced in the RICH radiators. Each HPD required extensive testing and categorisation before being mounted in the RICH. A subsample of 74 HPDs underwent...
Adina Toader
(University of Manchester)
06/04/2009, 17:15
Detectors and Future Facilities
Funai Xing
(University of Oxford)
06/04/2009, 17:15
Flavour Physics
LHCb has great potential for making important measurements in the charm sector. The core of this programme includes the precise measurements of the mixing parameters in D0-D0bar oscillations and the search for CP-violation in D-decays. The talk will present the results of MC studies which quantify LHCb's potential sensitivity in this area. Discussion will also be given to the RICH system,...
Mark Stockton
(University of Birmingham)
06/04/2009, 17:15
QCD and EW
The production of direct photons at ATLAS will be an ideal test of perturbative QCD (pQCD) in a kinematic region never observed before. Gaining a deeper understanding of pQCD is essential to searches for new physics at the LHC. In addition, differential cross-section measurements of direct photon production can be used to constrain parton density functions. The plans for the first direct...
Michael Salt
(University of Manchester)
06/04/2009, 17:30
Detectors and Future Facilities
In the proposed CLIC Extraction Line Design, coherently produced lepton pairs possess a significant energy distribution. In the bending region, this translates to high dispersion and possible particle loss. To prevent magnet damage, masks are positioned between the magnets to absorb these losses, of which this study analyses the effect of these lost particles. Using physics-in-matter...
Marco Gersabeck
(University of Glasgow)
06/04/2009, 17:30
Flavour Physics
The trigger for hadronic events at LHCb causes a lifetime bias which has to be taken into account in any time-dependent measurement. A Monte-Carlo free method for removing this bias is presented in the context of measurements of lifetimes and lifetime ratios using channels such as Bs->KK. An overview of the wide ranging physics opportunities with these measurements will be given.
Neville Harnew
(University of Oxford)
07/04/2009, 09:30
Bryan Webber
(University of Cambridge)
07/04/2009, 10:00
Nicholas Austin
(University of Liverpool),
Nicholas Charles Austin
07/04/2009, 11:00
Detectors and Future Facilities
A description of my work on the measurement of efficiencies of modules in the SCT endcap using cosmic data taken in SR1 during the cosmic tests.
Lee De Mora
(University of Lancaster)
07/04/2009, 11:00
Event by Event alignment studies using B physics observables in the ATLAS experiment
Michael James Flowerdew
(University of Liverpool)
07/04/2009, 11:00
Some of the earliest measurements to be made with the ATLAS detector are of the rate and properties of Z boson production. Intense theoretical attention in recent years has culminated in next-to-next-to-leading order calculations of the production cross section of this channel, with just a few percent uncertainty. Confirmation of these predictions with LHC data, as soon as possible after...
Gavin Davies
(University of Lancaster)
07/04/2009, 11:15
Detectors and Future Facilities
T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) is a 295km long-baseline experiment in Japan, due to start taking commissioning data late this year. It is designed to measure muon-neutrino oscillations to other flavours. In particular, it has the primary goal of measuring the mixing angle 13. One of the UK's contributions is the construction and calibration of an Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECal) for the near...
Eugenia Puccio
(University of Warwick)
07/04/2009, 11:15
We report recent results from the BaBar experiment on the rare three-body charmless hadronic decays of charged and neutral B mesons. These results have been obtained using the full BaBar dataset of around 470 million BBbar pairs.
Rosa María Durán Delgado
(University of Manchester)
07/04/2009, 11:15
We present theoretical predictions for a novel variable to study low transverse momentum vector boson production at hadron colliders. The new variable referred to as $a_T$ has been pointed out to have experimental advantages over the usual $p_t$ distribution and our study in conjunction with forthcoming accurate experimental data can help to shed light on perturbative radiation as well as...
Abdi Noor
(University of Liverpool)
07/04/2009, 11:30
Detectors and Future Facilities
Sergey Burdin
(University of Liverpool)
07/04/2009, 11:30
Recent results from D0 on the semileptonic asymmetry in Bs decays will be presented and prospects will be discussed.
Simon Head
(University of Manchester)
07/04/2009, 11:30
The high mass and large width of the top quark corresponds to a Standard Model prediction for a lifetime shorter than the timescale for strong interactions, implying that the top quark decays before hadronisation. Therefore, properties such as the spin correlation in the $t\bar{t}$ system are transferred to the decay products. In this talk I will discuss the possibility of measuring this...
Susan Cheatham
(University of Lancaster)
07/04/2009, 11:45
Javier Resta Lopez
(Institut fur Physik),
Javier Resta Lopez
(Oxford university)
07/04/2009, 11:45
Detectors and Future Facilities
The design luminosity for the future linear colliders is very demanding and challenging. Beam-based feedback systems will be required to achieve the necessary beam-beam stability and steer the two beams into collision. In particular, by means of computer simulations we study the luminosity performance improvement by intra-train beam-based feedback systems for position and angle corrections at...
Jelena Ilic
(University of Warwick)
07/04/2009, 11:45
A time-dependent amplitude analysis of B0->Kspi+pi- decays is performed in order to extract the CP violation parameters of f0(980)Ks and rho0(770)Ks and direct CP asymmetries of K*+(892)pi-. The relative phases between B0->K*+(892)pi- and B0-> K*-(892)\pi+, relevant for the extraction of the unitarity triangle angle gamma, is also measured. The results are obtained from the final BaBar data sample.
Matthew Tamsett
(Royal Holloway)
07/04/2009, 12:00
Beyond the Standard Model
This talk will present a study concerning the ATLAS electron trigger performance in a SUSY/exotic environment and the determination of this efficiency from data.
Eleanor Dobson
(University of Oxford)
07/04/2009, 12:00
An important aim of the LHC is the precise measurement of W and Z boson production cross sections. It is important to make a data driven measurement of the cross sections and, whenever possible, not to rely on Monte Carlo simulation. Such a method of determining these cross sections in the ATLAS detector is outlined for the electron channel.
Blair Edwards
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
07/04/2009, 12:00
Double Beta Decay and Dark Matter
We present the results from the first science run of the ZEPLIN-III WIMP dark matter search. ZEPLIN-III utilises two-phase xenon, measuring both scintillation and ionisation produced by interactions in the liquid to differentiate between the nuclear recoils expected from WIMPs and the electron recoil background signals down to ∼10keV nuclear recoil energy. The higher-field operation of the...
Kristin Lohwasser
(University of Oxford)
07/04/2009, 12:15
The asymmetry in the rapidity distribution of positive and negative W Bosons can help to put constraints on the parton distribution functions (PDFs). It is directly related to differences in the momentum distribution of u and d quarks and will be used to improve our knowledge on the valence quark distributions at low x. This talk will present the prospects for the W asymmetry measurement with...
Jaime Tattersall
(University of Durham)
07/04/2009, 12:15
Beyond the Standard Model
The Minimal Supersymmetric Model contains many new parameters that can have CP violating phases. We investigate ways of discovering these at the LHC if the CP phases happen to be large.
Emma Barnes
(University of Edinburgh)
07/04/2009, 12:15
Double Beta Decay and Dark Matter
ZEPLIN-III aims to be the world's leading detector of weakly interacting massive particles, the favored explanation of Galactic dark matter. Identification is based on extraction of scintillation and electroluminescence signals from a two-phase xenon target. A successful first science run has demonstrated the benefits of ZEPLIN-III's unique high-field operation, open-plan geometry and use of...
Neil Cooper-Smith
(Royal Holloway)
07/04/2009, 12:30
Presented is an outline of the current simulation options available for use in the ATLAS collaboration. Particular attention is given to the ATLAS fast simulation, ATLFAST. By default, ATLFAST does not account for particle losses due to the reconstruction process. Therefore, a set of parametrisations of the photon reconstruction efficiency, as seen in full simulation, have been incorporated...
Alison Fowler
(Durham IPPP)
07/04/2009, 12:30
Beyond the Standard Model
Complete one-loop results are presented for the class of processes $\tilde{\chi}0_i\rightarrow \tilde{\chi}0_j h_a$ in the MSSM with CP-violating phases beyond the lowest order. We combine the genuine vertex contributions with two-loop Higgs propagator-type corrections, thus obtaining the currently most precise prediction for this class of processes. The numerical impact of the genuine vertex...
Melissa George
(Queen Mary, University of London)
07/04/2009, 12:30
Vito Tomasello
(University of Sheffield)
07/04/2009, 12:45
Double Beta Decay and Dark Matter
New generation dark matter experiments aim at exploring the 10e-9 - 10e-10 pb cross-section region for the WIMP-nucleon scalar interactions. Neutrons and gamma-rays produced in detector components are the main factors that can limit detector sensitivity. Energy spectra and production rates of neutrons coming from radioactive contamination of materials with uranium and thorium have been...
Matthew McCullough
(University of Oxford)
07/04/2009, 12:45
Beyond the Standard Model
I will discuss the compatibility of the inelastic dark matter (iDM) interpretation of the DAMA/LIBRA results with other direct detection experiments, focussing particularly on the sensitivity to the iDM velocity distribution.
Jordan Nash
07/04/2009, 14:00
Jenny Thomas
07/04/2009, 14:30
John Womersley
07/04/2009, 15:00
Philip Burrows
(University of Oxford)
07/04/2009, 16:00
Mark Lancaster
07/04/2009, 17:00
Elisabeth Falk
(University of Sussex)
08/04/2009, 09:00
Neutrinos and Dark Matter
R Saakyan
08/04/2009, 09:35
Neutrinos and Dark Matter
Hans Kraus
(Umiversity of Oxford)
08/04/2009, 10:00
Neutrinos and Dark Matter
Stephen King
(Department of Physics (SHEP))
08/04/2009, 10:30
Neutrinos and Dark Matter
Antony Carver
(University of Warwick)
08/04/2009, 11:30
The ND280 calorimeter is a coarsely grained lead/scintillator detector. The coarse granularity presents challenges for particle identification. Progress in using an artificial neural network to separate MIP, electromagnetic showers and hadronic showers is presented.
Nicholas Cripps
(Imperial College London)
08/04/2009, 11:30
The Standard Model Higgs boson, produced by vector boson fusion and decaying to a pair of tau leptons, is an important channel in the search for the Higgs in the mass range between 115 and 145GeV/c2. A prospective analysis is presented on the observability of the Higgs boson with this channel, in the final state where one tau decays leptonically and the other hadronically, with CMS. An...
Oleg Brandt
(University of Oxford)
08/04/2009, 11:30
Beyond the Standard Model
The Large Hadron Collider with its unprecedented centre-of-mass energy will provide a unique opportunity to search for new physics Beyond the Standard Model. In this talk, I will describe search strategies for Supersymmetry in tri-lepton final states with early data of up to 10 inverse femtobarn. Using Monte Carlo simulations and a full ATLAS detector simulation I investigate the discovery...
Catrin Bernius
(University College London)
08/04/2009, 11:45
The ATLAS trigger is made up of three levels. The second level is software based and the earliest stage where data is available from the tracking detectors. Tracking is needed to verify several signatures with different requirements. IDScan is an algorithm which reconstructs tracks from hits in the Pixel and SCT detector. The robustness of this algorithm against missing layers of the detector...
Rui Luo
(University of Glasgow)
08/04/2009, 11:45
We investigate leptogenesis in the E6 inspired Supersymmetric Standard Model. In this model, the gauge singlet right-handed neutrinos decay into ordinary leptons, exotic leptons and leptoquarks, all of which carry non-zero lepton number. Lepton asymmetries are calculated from loop diagram contributions to the right-handed neutrino decay. We find that lepton asymmetries can be enhanced...
James Barnard
(University of Durham)
08/04/2009, 11:45
Beyond the Standard Model
By including gauge singlets in supersymmetric gauge theories, we have been able to construct and test new types of Seiberg duality which may help in finding dual theories for supersymmetric GUTs.
David Auty
(University of Sussex)
08/04/2009, 12:00
The NuMI beam used by the MINOS experiment has a 6% component of anti neutrinos. This coupled with the magnetised MINOS experiment allows us to measure dmbar^2 and sin 2 thetabar directly. If CPT is conserved these should be the same as dm^2 and sin 2 theta.
Yiming Li
(University of Oxford)
08/04/2009, 12:00
Beyond the Standard Model
The masses of chargino and neutralino are important SUSY parameters
which can be measured with high precision in ILC. The chargino or
neutralino pair production is one of the benchmarking processes of SiD
detector concept also because the separation of chargino/neutralino
events is only enabled by satisfactory performance of Particle Flow
Algorithm. Here we discuss the chargino/...
Adam Davison
(University College London)
08/04/2009, 12:00
Until recently extraction of the processes HW->bblv and HZ->bbll was considered impossible at the LHC. However, recent work has shown that by studying the high pT case, the signals can be recovered as a promising discovery channel by ATLAS.
Cigdem Issever
(University of Oxford)
08/04/2009, 12:15
Beyond the Standard Model
We present a comprehensive black-hole event generator, BlackMax, which simulates the experimental signatures of microscopic and Planckian black-hole production and evolution at proton-proton, proton-antiproton and electron-positron collisions in the context of brane world models with low-scale quantum gravity. The generator is based on phenomenologically realistic models free of serious...
Matthew Kauer
(University College London)
08/04/2009, 12:15
Using 911 days of data from NEMO-3, a world best 2vBB decay half-life of Zr96 has been measured to be [2.36 +/-0.17(stat) +0.17 -0.14(syst)] x 10^19 yr. The obtained limit on the 0vBB decay half-life at the 90% confidence level is 8.5 x 10^21 yr which leads to the limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass < 7.4 - 20.3 eV, using the RQRPA and pnQRPA nuclear models. SuperNEMO is a...
Catherine Wright
(University of Glasgow)
08/04/2009, 12:15
With the recent successes at the Tevatron, it will be more important than ever for LHC physicists hunting for the Higgs to combine their efforts. Based on current techniques, no single channel in the ATLAS repertoire will be able to discover the Higgs with less than ~5fb-1, and as such, it will be important to combine statistically the outcomes of the individual searches. An approach is...
Nicholas Osman
(Imperial College London)
08/04/2009, 12:30
In this talk I will describe the current status and outlook of high mass Standard Model Higgs boson searches at D Zero, with particular emphasis on the H to WW channel. The talk will include discussion of potential methods for optimising sensitivity.
James Frost
(University of Cambridge)
08/04/2009, 12:30
Beyond the Standard Model
We present results of a new simulation of black hole production and decay at hadron colliders in theories with large extra dimensions and TeV-scale gravity. The main new feature is a full treatment of the spin-down phase of the decay process and the distributions of the associated Hawking radiation. Also included are improved modelling of the loss of angular momentum and energy in the...
Christopher Jackson
(University of Manchester)
08/04/2009, 12:30
Double Beta Decay and Dark Matter
SuperNEMO is a next generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiment currently in development, which will probe the inverted hierarchy neutrino mass region. The detector will consist of a double beta emitting foil of Se82 or Nd150 surrounded by a tracking chamber and calorimetry, which allows measurement of electron angular correlations and individual energies. These signatures can be used...
Tracey LI
(University of Durham)
08/04/2009, 12:45
A 'neutrino factory' is seen as the ideal neutrino oscillation experiment
of the future. We study the physics performance of a low-energy version of
this experiment, in particular its sensitivity to theta_13, delta, the
mass hierarchy and non-standard interactions, and aim to optimize its
Yambazi Banda
(University of Oxford)
08/04/2009, 12:45
The precise measurements of the Higgs boson properties will be very key to further understanding fundamental particle interaction. In particular, the study of the Higgs boson branching ratios is important in determining the Higgs couplings and nature of the Higgs boson. Here we look at the tools used for the measurement of H--> cc-bar branching ratio and the precision for such a measurement.
Paul Prichard
(University of Liverpool)
08/04/2009, 12:45
Beyond the Standard Model
Variables are chosen and orthogonal cuts are optimised for the preferential selection of inclusive SUSY signal over standard model background. This cuts based analysis is compared with a log likelihood based analysis also selecting SUSY over backgrounds.
Grahame Blair
(Royal Holloway, Univ. of London)
08/04/2009, 14:00
Daniel Beecher
(University College London)
QCD and EW
The measurement of the transverse momentum of Z boson is a test of perturbative QCD and in the limit of low momentum probes into the non-pertubative regime.