24 January 2016 to 2 February 2016
Weizmann Institute of Science
Israel timezone
Get together and buffet dinner: Sunday, 24th, 19:30, at Lopatie Conference Center

Tutors and their labs

VMEbus programming  - Galli, Luca; Joos, Markus

NIM  - Pastore, Francesca; Negri, Andrea

NIM & scintillator  - Kordas, Kostas

Muon DAQ  - Joos, Markus; Galli, Luca

FPGA basics - Gigi, Dominique

MicroTCA  - Lingemann, Joschka; Sakulin, Hannes

LabView  - Brunbauer, Florian

ADC basics for TDAQ - Barros Marin, Manoel

Network programming  - Jereczek, Grzegorz

Micro controller  - Feo, Mauricio

Storage systems  - Haen, Christophe

Control of DAQ systems  - Kolobara, Bernard; Gament, Costin

FPGA & LabVIEW  - Gonen, Nitsan (National Instruments)