3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Supersymmetry: to be or not to be?

7 Jul 2016, 11:30
Carrillo Gantner Theatre (The University of Melbourne)

Carrillo Gantner Theatre

The University of Melbourne

Sidney Myer Asia Centre The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia
Talk Plenary


Hermann Nicolai (II. Institut fuer Experimentalphysik)


Abstract: "LHC data have so far shown no evidence of low energy (N=1)
supersymmetry, and it is thus not exluded that it is simply not there.
What would the implications of such a non-discovery be for the whole
idea of supersymmetry? In this talk I will discuss possible consequences of such a non-discovery from a more theoretical perspective, and point to an alternative scenario based on some strange numerology relating the
48 quarks and leptons of the Standard Model to the 48 spin-1/2 fermions of maximal N=8 supergravity remaining after complete breaking of supersymmetry. I will also explain how new theoretical concepts `beyond' supersymmetry may help to explain the emergence of the Standard Model
from a Planck scale unified theory."

Presentation materials