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Higgs Days at Santander 2015

IFCA: Sala de Juntas (Other Institutes)

IFCA: Sala de Juntas

Other Institutes

Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Santander, ES))
    • 1
      HDays15: Welcome
      Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Santander, ES))
    • 2
      SM Higgs at ATLAS: properties/news
      Speaker: Pierre Savard (Discussion leader) (University of Toronto (CA))
    • 3
      SM Higgs at CMS: properties and news
      Speaker: Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos (Disc. Leader) (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
    • 17:10
      coffee break
    • 4
      Leftovers from Run I and experimental challenges for Run II
      Speaker: Reisaburo Tanaka (Discussion Leader) (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
    • 19:00

      Including wine tasting at the roof top!

    • 5
      2HDM: news from the LHCHXSWG, benchmarks
      Speaker: Rui Santos (ISEL)
    • 6
      My favorite 2HDM scenario
      Speaker: Shinya Kanemura (University of Toyama)
    • 7
      Charged Higgs bosons at ATLAS and CMS
      Speaker: Jana Schaarschmidt (Discussion Leader) (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
    • 11:30
      coffee break
    • 8
      HiggsBounds/HiggsSignals news
      Speaker: Philip Bechtle (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
    • 9
      Higgs/EFT fits
      Speaker: Tilman Plehn
    • 13:30
      lunch break
    • 10
      Speaker: Gino Isidori (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
    • 11
      PO and simplified cross sections
      Speaker: Michael Duehrssen-Debling (CERN)
    • 12
      kappa and beyond, preparation for Run II
      Speaker: André David (CERN)
    • 17:15
      coffee break
    • 13
      EFT at higher orders
      Speaker: Michael Spira (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
    • 14
      SusHi update
      Speaker: Stefan Liebler (Universität Hamburg)
    • 15
      BSM Higgs at ATLAS
      Speaker: Nikolaos Rompotis (Discussion Leader) (University of Washington (US))
    • 16
      BSM Higgs at CMS
      Speaker: Roger Wolf (Discussion Leader) (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
    • 11:30
      coffee break
    • 17
      Higgs exotics at ATLAS and CMS
      Speakers: Erez Etzion (Discussion Leader) (Tel Aviv University (IL)), Mario Pelliccioni (Discussion Leader) (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
    • 13:00
      lunch break
    • 18
      H -> gaga/H -> ZZ as a probe of the multi-TeV scale
      Speaker: Abdelhak Djouadi (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
    • 19
      low-tb scenarios
      Speaker: Pietro Slavich (LPTHE Paris)
    • 20
      EFT Mh calculations
      Speaker: Gabriel Lee
    • 16:45
      coffee break
    • 21
      EFT FeynHiggs update
      Speaker: Wolfgang Hollik (Max Planck Gesellschaft)
    • 22
      Off-shell effects, interference effects, 2HDM, MSSM and EFT
      Speaker: Georg Ralf Weiglein (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
    • 23
      ttH at ATLAS and CMS
      Speaker: Aurelio Juste Rozas (Discussion Leader) (ICREA and IFAE (ES))
    • 24
      Spin/CP at ATLAS and CMS
      Speaker: Andrey Korytov (Discussion Leader) (University of Florida (US))
    • 11:00
      coffee break
    • 25
      Higgs combination
      Speakers: Eilam Gross (Discussion Leader) (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL)), Marco Pieri (Discussion Leader) (Univ. of California San Diego (US))
    • 13:00
    • 14:30
      free afternoon for sightseeing
    • 21:30
      Conference Dinner

      Bodega Riojano (as usual! :-)