12:30 PM
--- Sandwich lunch ---
2:00 PM
Advance implementations and specific applications
(until 3:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Dynamic simulations in SixTrack (15+5)
Kyrre Ness Sjobaek
2:20 PM
Modelling of beam halos (15+5)
Hector Garcia Morales
(Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL))
2:40 PM
Injection protection studies (15+5)
Francesco Maria Velotti
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
3:00 PM
First loss maps and halo population for FCC (15+5)
Maria Fiascaris
Stefano Redaelli
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Exploitation and recent benchmark activities
(until 5:45 PM)
4:00 PM
Simulations of collimation losses at RHIC (15+10)
Guillaume Robert-Demolaize
4:25 PM
Simulation comparisons to BLM data (15+5)
Eleftherios Skordis
4:45 PM
Merlin simulations during squeeze at 4 TeV (15+5)
Sam Tygier
5:05 PM
Fluka coupling for SPS scrapers (15+5)
Alessio Mereghetti
5:25 PM
Beam loss studies during the CERN PS continuous transfer extraction (15+5)
Javier Barranco Garcia
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
7:00 PM
--- Workshop Dinner (upon invitation) ---