In 2016 the LHCf experiment has fulfilled its original goal of measuring the spectra of the neutral particles produced in the very forward direction at LHC at the highest energy ever available. The main purpose of these measurements is indeed to provide the Cosmic Ray and High Energy Physics communities with a missing unique set of information for the improvement of the hadronic interaction...
The LHCb experiment has the unique possibility, among the LHC experiments, to be operated in fixed target mode, using its internal gas target SMOG. The excellent detector capabilities for vertexing, tracking and particle identification allow to measure exclusive particle production for collisions of protons on different nuclei at an energy scale of sqrt(sNN) ~ 100 GeV, providing valuable...
High-energy space missions allow keeping watch over blazars, which are jet emitting astrophysical sources that can flare. They provide deep insights into the engine powered by supermassive black holes. However, having a blazar caught in a very bright flaring state is not easy requiring long surveys. The observation of such flaring events represents a goldmine for theoretical studies.
Such a...
Prompt neutrino fluxes are background for searches of astrophysical neutrinos at Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes. We present predictions for these fluxes, obtained by state-of-the-art QCD methods, and we discuss their uncertainties, in particular those related to our approximate knowledge of Parton Distribution Functions. We make use of the PROSA fit, the first fit appeared in literature...
The arrival directions of Galactic cosmic rays are highly isotropic. This is expected from the presence of turbulent magnetic fields in our Galactic environment that repeatedly scatter charged cosmic rays during propagation. However, various cosmic ray observatories have identified weak anisotropies of various angular sizes and with relative intensities of up to a level of 1 part in 1,000....
The DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) satellite was launched on
December 17, 2015 and it is taking data from more than 18 months.
It is designed to probe the highest energy cosmic-ray accelerators and to study
the nature of dark matter thanks to its excellent tracking and
calorimetric performances in the measurements of electrons, gamma rays, protons and nuclei.
A report on the...
The last solar cycle has presented a peculiarly long quiet phase with consequent minimum modulation conditions for cosmic rays. The proton and electron spectra were measured from July 2006 to December 2009 by PAMELA experiment, providing fundamental information about the transport and modulation of cosmic rays inside the heliosphere. These studies allow to obtain a more complete description...
Precision study of cosmic nuclei provides detail knowledge on the origin and propagation of cosmic rays. In the past, results of different experiments often had large uncertainty and are different of each other. AMS was designed to measure and identify cosmic ray nuclei with seven independent detectors, thus it is able to provide precision studies of nuclei simultaneously to multi-TeV...
The knowledge of the energy dependence of the $^{3}$He-to-$^{4}$He flux ratio ($^{3}$He/$^{4}$He) is one of the most important sources for studying and testing cosmic ray propagation models.
Similar to the B/C measurement, where B is assumed to originate from interactions of primary Carbon and Oxygen in Cosmic Rays, in the $^{3}$He/$^{4}$He measurement $^{3}$He is assumed to be produced by...
The Pierre Auger Observatory, located in Argentina, has been detecting ultra-high energy cosmic rays for more than ten years. The combination of a large surface detector array and fluorescence telescopes provides a substantial improvement in energy calibration and extensive air shower measurements, resulting in data of unprecedented quality in the energy range from 0.1 EeV up to 100 EeV. A...
The balloon-borne ANITA experiment is designed to detect the radio-frequency Cherenkov radiation resulting from collisions of either ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrinos colliding with ice molecules, or cosmic rays interacting with air molecules in the atmosphere. Thus far, four flights over the last decade have yielded world's-best sensitivity in the E>1 EeV regime. The HiCal experiment,...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, a 40-kton underground liquid argon time-projection-chamber detector, will have unique sensitivity to the electron flavor component of a core-collapse supernova neutrino burst. We present expected capabilities of DUNE for measurements of neutrinos in the few-tens-of-MeV range relevant for supernova detection, and the corresponding...
We present a novel interpretation of the gamma-ray diffuse emission in the Galactic Center (GC) and the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) regions.
This is based on a scenario assuming a harder scaling of the diffusion coefficient with rigidity in the inner Galaxy so to reproduce the radial dependence of the cosmic-ray (CR) spectral index recently inferred from Fermi-LAT.
We compare our model...
A new measurement of a spatially extended gamma-ray signal from the center of M31
was published recently, reporting that the emission broadly resembles the so-called
Galactic center excess of the Milky Way (Ackermann et al. 2017, arXiv:1702.08602).
In this talk we discuss the possibilities that the signal originates from a
population of millisecond pulsars, or alternatively the annihilation of...
The ARGO-YBJ experiment was installed in the Tibet region of China, 4300 meters above sea level. It run continuously from November 2007 until February 2013, with the goal of observing astronomical gamma-ray sources in the energy range between a few hundred GeV and about 100 TeV, and primary cosmic rays in the energy range between about 1 TeV and a few PeV. The unique feature of the ARGO-YBJ...
The Cherenkov Telescope Array is expected to lead to the detection of many new supernova remnants in the TeV and multiTeV range. In addition to the individual study of each, the study of these objects as a population can help constraining the parameters describing the acceleration of particles and increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved. Using Monte Carlo methods, the population...
We will discuss methods and results concerning the angular cross-correlation between sky-maps of the extragalactic background radiation in different wavelength bands.
The main goal of the study is to extract information on the clustering, redshift distribution and type of the unresolved non-thermal sources, especially at gamma-ray (and radio) frequencies.
We will show how this technique can be...
The MAGIC telescopes, located at the Roque de los Muchachos
Observatory (2200 a.s.l.) in the Canary Island of La Palma,
are placed on the top of a mountain, from where a window of visibility of about $5^{\circ}$ in zenith and $80^{\circ}$ in azimuth is open in the direction of the surrounding ocean. This permits to search for a signature of particle showers induced by earth-skimming cosmic tau...
ANTARES is the first undersea neutrino telescope and, at present, the largest one in the Northern hemisphere. Its main goal is the search for high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. It consists of an array of photomultipliers tubes housed in so-called optical modules, detecting the Cherenkov light induced along the path of relativistic charged particles originated by neutrino interactions in and...
The IceCube detector has observed the first clear detection of a diffuse astrophysicalย high energy neutrino flux, however, the sources for these neutrinosย have yet to be found. Hadronic interactions around cosmic ray accelerators result in both high energy gamma and neutrino fluxes for neutral and charged pion decays respectively.ย Observing cosmic ray sourcesย with neutrinos provides unique...
We study Lorentz violation effects to flavor transitions of high energy
astrophysical neutrinos. It is shown that the appearance of Lorentz violating
Hamiltonian can drastically change the flavor transition probabilities of
astrophysical neutrinos. Predictions of Lorentz violation effects to flavor
compositions of astrophysical neutrinos arriving on Earth are compared with
IceCube flavor...
Measurements of the individual electron and positron fluxes and of the positron fraction have different systematic errors. The flux measurements depend on the acceptance while the fraction measurement depends more on statistics. The latest AMS results on the precision measurement of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays in the energy range from 0.5 to 700 GeV based on ~20 million...
The highest-energy cosmic rays measured with the Pierre Auger Observatory over the past decade provide us with unprecedented glimpses into their origin and properties. Improvements to this understanding will come from a major upgrade stage of the Observatory denominated AugerPrime. The upgrade program will include new plastic scintillator detectors on top of all water-Cherenkov detectors, a...
EUSO-SPB (Extreme Universe Space Observatory - Super Pressure Balloon) is an experiment on board a super pressure balloon for a flight duration which may reach 100 days. The instrument was launched on the 25th April 2017 from Wanaka in New Zealand and it is now acquiring data.
The instrument is an updated version of the EUSO-Balloon one. It includes a full original JEM-EUSO PDM (Photon...
An array of about 70 small-sized telescope will cover the high-end of the gamma ray energy spectrum at the southern site
of the Cherenkov telescope array (CTA). They will offer an unprecedented insight on the energetic processes in the range
1-300TeV originated in galactic and extragalactic sources.
The SST-1M is one of the three implementations of those small-sized telescopes and consists of...
The KM3NeT Collaboration is constructing a research infrastructure hosting the next-generation underwater neutrino observatory. It will be distributed in two sites in the Mediterranean Sea with different configurations: ORCA (Mton scale 2500 depth offshore Toulon (France)) and ARCA (Gton scale, 3500 m offshore Capo Passero (Italy). The KM3NeT/ARCA is the high-energy component and is dedicated...
Liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) provide a robust and elegant method for measuring the properties of neutrino interactions above a few tens of MeV by providing 3D event imaging with excellent spatial resolution. LArTPCs have been chosen by the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as the far detector technology and it will play an essential role in the studies of neutrino...
The sharp change in slope of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) spectrum around 10^9.6 GeV (the ankle), combined with evidence of a light but extragalactic component near and below the ankle which evolves to intermediate composition above, has proved exceedingly challenging to understand theoretically. Recently, we introduced a very general model, in which for a range of source...
The Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) experiment centres around two proposed next-generation underground water Cherenkov detectors that will be nearly 20 times larger than the highly successful Super-Kamiokande and use significantly improved photodetectors with the same 40 % photocoverage. The resulting sensitivity improvements will particularly benefit astroparticle physics at low energies.