Welcome talk
Workshop logistics
In recent years, DESY has discussed within IT and with users the Linux Desktop strategy.
This presentation will give insight why this discussion was necessary, which arguments came up, which solutions were implemented, and what the experience is after some months of running the latest "Ubuntu green desktop" at the Hamburg site, as well as its main features (and rationale behind):
- Ubuntu...
For several years we have been investigating and running Ceph, we have recently reached the point where we are providing production level services underpinned by Ceph and are on the verge of deploying tens of petabytes of Ceph backed storage for large scale scientific data.
I will give an update on the state of our clusters and the various use cases and interfaces we are currently (and...
The relocation of PDSF to a new building at LBNL has mostly completed. The lessons learned during the moving process will be described. A new petabyte storage system using EOS has been put on line for the ALICE collaboration. Like many aspects of system administration, deploying new software takes much longer than treading a familiar path and we will describe what we would do for the next...
An update on the cloud deployment in the Scientific Computing Department at RAL.
I will describe our OpenNebula deployment and the use cases we have online including LOFAR.
Our OpenNebula deployment has served us well, however new requirements mean that we are looking at OpenStack again.
I will describe how we are deploying OpenStack as a replacement for OpenNebula and the work done to...
This talk will provide a strategic outlook around ownCloud in Research and Education.
It will start out with an overall ownCloud overview and touch on existing success stories.
Furthermore it will focus on federations that allow independent sites to interoperate with regard to cloud-based storage.
In this presentation, we present first ideas about a journal around topics in "Computing and Software for data-intensive physics"
- Why a place for publications?
- For whom to publish?
- Which topics?
- Comparison to other HEP computing related events?
- Who is behind?
- Status?
... waiting for input and ideas from the community - YOU!
At the DESY location in Hamburg a distant cooling ring has been built and for the future growth of the computing resources a new cooling distribution was put into operation in the data center which will be accompanied by a new electrical power infrastructure soon. This presentation describes the motivation, plans, current status and future plans of these projects.
A new HPC-System has been installed at Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) delivering about one Petaflops of computing power. For this system a new data center has been built featuring an innovative and very energy efficient warm water cooling. The water temperature level of 40°C inlet and 45°C outlet allows free cooling with dry coolers all over the...