18–23 Sept 2016
<a href="http://www.nh-olomouc.cz/en/" target="_blank">NH Collections Hotel</a>
Europe/Prague timezone
<a href="https://indico.cern.ch/event/486433/page/8484-photos">Photos</a>

Measurement of CP Violation in B-Bbar pairs from Top quark decays

Not scheduled


Jacob Julian Kempster (Royal Holloway, University of London)


Top pair events provide a source of bbbar pairs, which can be used
to probe CP violation in heavyflavour mixing and decay. In events
where one of the W bosons decays leptonically to an electron or
muon, the charge of the W boson can be used to determine
unambiguously the flavour charge of the accompanying b quark at the
time of its production. In cases where the b also decays
semileptonically to a muon, this sample allows to probe two CP
asymmetries constructed with the charge signs of the W and the soft
muon. The first
measurement of the CP asymmetries in bbar from top pair decays is
hence presented using the data collected with the ATLAS detector
during the 8 TeV run of the LHC.


Jacob Julian Kempster (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Presentation materials

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