The proceedings for the presentations and posters at Top2016 are available on the eConf site:
There is also a corresponding record in INSPIRE:
The proceedings of Top2016 will be published online through the SLAC eCONF service.
The authors of presentations and posters are invited to contribute to the conference proceedings.
These limits on the length of the contributions should be followed (excluding the title page):
- up to 8 pages for keynote and summary talks
- up to 5 pages for regular talks (20 or 30 min)
- up to 4 pages for poster/YSF authors
The proceedings should be prepared using the following latex template from SLAC eCONF service ( tar file with all files included, tex file, macros file, example of resulting pdf file).
Once the paper is prepared, it must be submitted to the eprint arXiv server.
The instructions for submission to arXiv can be found at the eprint arXiv site:
After the paper is accepted by arXiv, please inform the organizers ( with the link to your arXiv paper.
The deadline for the proceedings submission is November 30th, 2016.