Top 2016
<a href="" target="_blank">NH Collections Hotel</a>
The proceedings for the presentations and posters at Top2016 are available on the eConf site:
There is also a corresponding record in INSPIRE:
The registration for the Top2016 workshop is now CLOSED.
Please refer to the Registration tab to see the registration form and details.
The 9th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics TOP 2016 was held in the city of Olomouc, Czech Republic from 19th to 23th September.
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The workshop will bring together the community of experimental and theoretical physicists working on top quark physics. The 2016 edition will be especially focused on the new era of measurements and discovery potential of top quarks at the Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider.
The workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest results and searches from experiments as well as the most recent theoretical developments and an outlook on top-quark physics at future colliders.The programme will consist of plenary presentations, a poster session and 'question and answers' sessions, targeting young researchers. A significant fraction of the workshop time will be devoted to discussions, with a dedicated Young Scientist Forum.
The goal of the workshop is to provide a comprehensive picture of top-quark physics and a forum where experimentalists and theorists can discuss the interpretation of top quark results and plan future measurements.
A detailed agenda will be released soon through the conference website. The talks will start on Monday morning and finish Friday noon. The excursion will take place on Wednesday afternoon.
To provide young physicists the opportunity to contribute to the scientific programme, a Young Scientist Forum with short presentations will be organized, followed by a Poster Session, the best presentations and posters will be awarded a prize.
We ask experimentalists and theorists to submit abstracts for posters or talks in the Young Scientist Forum, experimentalists to their respective experiments and theorists directly using Indico.
The event will take place in the venue of NH Collections Hotel in the historical city of Olomouc in the heart of the Moravia region in the Czech Republic. Olomouc is a thriving university city of immense historical heritage, with monuments on the list of UNESCO.
We look forward to seeing you in Olomouc in September 2016!
Abideh Jafari
Alexander Kupco
Alexander Mitov
Andrea Helen Knue
Andreas Meyer
Andreas Weiler
Andres Tiko
Andrey Popov
Anna Lipniacka
Anthony Barker
Antonio Onofre
Arwa Bannoura
Callie Bertsche
Carlos Escobar
Carmen Diez Pardos
Cecile Deterre
Charles Nicholas Mueller
Claudia Gemme
Cornelius Grunwald
Declan Millar
Denise Muller
Diane Cinca
Dominic Hirschbuehl
Dustin Biedermann
Eleni Vryonidou
Evan Austen Coleman
Federica Fabbri
Ferdos Rezaei Hosseinabadi
Filipe Veloso
Filomena Sopkova
Francesco Tramontano
Frederic Deliot
Freya Blekman
Gauthier Durieux
Geoffrey Gilles
Gilad Perez
Hamed Bakhshiansohi
Hannu Siikonen
Hartmut Stadie
Illia Khvastunov
Ioannis Tsinikos
Irina Cioara
Isis Marina Van Parijs
Jacob Julian Kempster
James Howarth
Jan Kieseler
Jan Palicka
Javier Jimenez Pena
Jeremy Andrea
Jiri Chudoba
Jiri Franc
Jiri Kvita
Jorgen D'Hondt
Jose Enrique Palencia Cortezon
Josef Pacalt
Josef Urban
Juan Pedro Araque Espinosa
Julien Caudron
Jyothsna Rani Komaragiri
Jérémie Quevillon
Kamil Augsten
Karel Soustruznik
Kaven Henry Yau Wong
Kenneth Johns
Kentaro Kawade
Kevin Marcel Floeh
Ki Lie
Konstantinos Kousouris
Lana Beck
Lieselotte Moreels
Luca Lista
Lucio Cerrito
Mahsana Haleem
Malgorzata Worek
Marcel Vos
Maria Aldaya Martin
Maria Moreno Llacer
Marino Missiroli
Mark Owen
Matej Melo
Matthew Buckley
Matthew Philip Mccullough
Matthias Komm
Matthias Schroeder
Michael James Fenton
Michal Czakon
Michal Dubovsky
Michele Faucci Giannelli
Mohammad Kareem
Mohsen Naseri
Moritz Preisser
Mykola Savitskyi
Nataliia Kovalchuk
Natascia Vignaroli
Nedaa Alexandra Asbah
Nils Faltermann
Nuno Castro
Oldrich Kepka
Olga Bessidskaia Bylund
Oliver Majersky
Otto Heinz Hindrichs
Patrizia Azzi
Pavol Bartos
Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva
Peter Berta
Petr Jacka
Pienpen Seema
Predrag Cirkovic
Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
Reinhard Schwienhorst
Reuven Balkin
Reza Goldouzian
Riccardo Di Sipio
Richard Hawkings
Roberto Franceschini
Roberto Tenchini
Roger Naranjo
Roman Lysak
Rupert Leitner
Sara Ghasemi
Shimaa Abuzeid
Stanislav Tokar
Stefano Pozzorini
Steffen Henkelmann
Tomas Bylund
Tony Liss
Veronique Boisvert
Vladislav Simak
Wolfgang Wagner
Yang Qin
Yevgeny Kats