Inflection-point inflation is a unique possibility to realize a successful slow-roll inflation
when inflation is driven by a single scalar field with an initial value below the Planck mass.
In order for a re-normalization group (RG) improved effective $\lambda(\phi) \phi^4$ potential
to develop an inflection point, the self-coupling $\lambda(\phi)$ must exhibit a minimum
with an almost vanishing value, $\lambda_{\min} \simeq 0$, in its RG evolution.
We investigate a possibility of realizing the inflection-point inflation driven by the B-L Higgs field
in the minimal gauged B-L extended Standard Model (SM) at the TeV scale. For a realistic
inflection-point inflation, the mass ratios among the Z' gauge boson, the right-handed neutrinos
and the B-L Higgs boson are fixed, which can be tested in the future collider experiments.