Yang Gao
(UC Davis)
The discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider strongly motivates direct searches for additional Higgs bosons. In a type I two Higgs doublet model there is a large region of parameter space at tanβ>5 that is currently unconstrained experimentally. We show that the process gg→H→AZ→ZZh can probe this region, and can be the discovery mode for an extended Higgs sector at the LHC. We analyze 9 promising decay modes for the ZZh state, and we find that the most sensitive final states are ℓℓℓℓbb, ℓℓjjbb, ℓℓννγγ and ℓℓℓℓ+missing energy.
Markus Luty
(University of California Davis)
Michael J Mulhearn
(University of California Davis (US))
Nicolas Neill
(UC Davis)
Yang Gao
(UC Davis)
Zhangqier Wang
(University of California Davis (US))