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9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Three Twin Neutrinos: Evidence from LSND and MiniBooNE

9 May 2016, 18:00
G26 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Neutrinos


Benjamin Stefanek (University of Wisconsin Madison)


We construct a model with three twin neutrinos in light of the neutrino appearance excesses at LSND and MiniBooNE. The model, which includes a twin parity, naturally predicts identical lepton Yukawa structures in the Standard Model and the twin sectors. As a result, a universal mixing angle controls all three twin neutrino couplings to the Standard Model charged leptons. This mixing angle is predicted to be the ratio of the electroweak scale over the composite scale of the Higgs boson and has the right order of magnitude to fit the data. The heavy twin neutrinos decay within the experimental lengths into active neutrinos plus a long-lived Majoron and can provide a good fit, at around 4σ confidence level, to the LSND and MiniBooNE appearance data while simultaneously satisfying the disappearance constraints. For the Majorana neutrino case, the fact that neutrinos have a larger scattering cross section than anti-neutrinos provides a natural explanation to MiniBooNE's observation of a larger anti-neutrino appearance excess.


Benjamin Stefanek (University of Wisconsin Madison) Jordi Salvado (Wisconsin University Madison) Ran Lu Sida Lu (University of Wisconsin Madison) Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

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