In both scotogenic neutrino and flavor dark matter models, the dark sector communicates with the standard model fermions via Yukawa portal couplings. We propose an economic scenario that scotogenic neutrino and flavored mediator share the same inert Higgs doublet and all are charged under a hidden gauged U(1) symmetry. The dark Z2 symmetry in dark sector is regarded as the remnant of this hidden U(1) symmetry breaking. In particular, we investigate a dark U(1)D (and also U(1)B−L) model which unifies scotogenic neutrino and top-flavored mediator. Thus dark tops and dark neutrinos are the standard model fermion partners, and the dark matter could be inert Higgs or the lightest dark neutrino. We note that this model has rich collider signatures on dark tops, inert Higgs and Z′ gauge boson. Moreover, the scalar associated to the U(1)D (and also U(1)B−L) symmetry breaking could explain the 750 GeV diphoton excess reported by ATLAS and CMS recently.