I will discuss the question how a new Higgs boson related to the breaking of a new local symmetry in nature can lead to the observed excess in the di-photon channel. The numerical value of the di-photon rate implies an upper bound for the breaking scale of this new symmetry. The model predicts the existence of a new scalar field, which is stabilized by the remnant $Z_2$ after the gauge symmetry breaking and turns out to be an excellent dark matter candidate.
The model in question has three concrete realizations which can be distinguished experimentally as all provide different branching ratios of the new 750 GeV Higgs. A key feature of the models is the existence of a new force carrier, which is within the reach of the LHC experiment. The talk is based on 1604.05319.
I will present a new set of models, which explain the 750 GeV di-photon excess in the framework of a gauged symmetry. The associated gauge boson of the new force turns out to be within the reach of the current LHC experiment.