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9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

The spontaneous Z2 breaking Twin Higgs

10 May 2016, 15:00
G31 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM Higgs II


Hugues Beauchesne (Carleton University)


The Twin Higgs model seeks to address the little hierarchy problem by making the Higgs a pseudo-Goldstone of a global SU(4) symmetry that is spontaneously broken to SU(3). Gauge and Yukawa couplings, which explicitly break SU(4), enjoy a discrete Z2 symmetry that accidentally maintains SU(4) at the quadratic level and therefore keeps the Higgs light. However, making the Twin Higgs phenomenologically viable requires introducing a soft Z2 breaking and tuning it against the SU(4) breaking. We propose a model to alleviate this tuning, without the need for an explicit Z2 breaking sector. The model consists of two SU(4) fundamental Higgses, one whose vacuum preserves Z2 and one whose vacuum breaks it. As the interactions between the two Higgses are turned on, the Z2 breaking is transmitted from the broken to the unbroken sector and a small hierarchy of vevs is naturally produced. The presence of an effective tadpole and feedback between the two Higgses lead to a sizable improvement of the tuning. The resulting Higgs boson is naturally very Standard Model like.


Hugues Beauchesne (Carleton University) Kevin Earl (Carleton University) Thomas Gregoire (Carleton University)

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