9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Model Agnostic limits on Colored Naturalness

10 May 2016, 15:15
G31 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM Higgs II


Harikrishnan Ramani (Yang Institute Of Theoretical Physics)


Many models that explain naturalness introduce colored top partners to cancel the top quadratic divergence. These colored top partners modify SM rates of gluon fusion and Higgs decays to gg and \gamma\gamma. We present a model agnostic analysis of scalar,fermionic and vector top partners and discuss the potency of other BSM scenarios like invisible Higgs decays to hide these colored top partner signatures. We also present caveats that throw up model building challenges.


Harikrishnan Ramani (Yang Institute Of Theoretical Physics)


Patrick Meade (Stony Brook University) Rouven Essig Yiming Zhong (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials