9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Challenges and opportunities of ttbar resonance search at the LHC

10 May 2016, 14:30
G30 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM IV


Zhen Liu (Fermilab)


The heavy scalar resonance search channel of gg → S → tt is very challenging, caused by a large destructive interference with the SM background. We analyze the line shapes of heavy scalars in several well-motivated beyond the standard model physics models. Commonly existing additional contributions to the glu-glu-scalar coupling change the relative phases of the signal and background amplitudes, inducing new opportunities in this channel. In many cases, we also make connections with the corresponding indirect constraints from the observed light Higgs boson properties. We further outline various methods to improve the LHC search in this channel.


The heavy scalar resonance search channel of gg → S → tt is very challenging, caused by a large destructive interference with the SM background. We analyze the line shapes of heavy scalars in several well-motivated beyond the standard model physics models. Commonly existing additional contributions to the glu-glu-scalar coupling change the relative phases of the signal and background amplitudes, inducing new opportunities in this channel. In many cases, we also make connections with the corresponding indirect constraints from the observed light Higgs boson properties. We further outline various methods to improve the LHC search in this channel.


Marcela Carena Zhen Liu (Fermilab)

Presentation materials