Federico Betti
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
Lepton Flavour Universality is enforced in the Standard Model by construction. Any Violation
of LFU would be a clear sign of new physics. Existing hints of non universality are
already present in the leptonic and semileptonic decays of B mesons. The semitauonic decays in particular,
are sensitive to contributions from non-standard-model-particles that preferentially couple to
the third generation of fermions,the Higgs-like charged scalars. Also, electroweak penguin decays can be used to test lepton flavour universality between the first and the second leptonic families. This talk reports recent
studies of $B^0 \to D^* \tau \nu$ and $B^0 \to K^{(*)}ll$ decays at the LHCb experiment.
Federico Betti
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))