Expanding the Standard Model(SM) through the incorporation of L-R symmetric gauge extension that exhibits conformal invariance at the classical level, it is possible to remedy the Higgs vacuum instability problem. The model includes a $SU(3)_C$×$SU(2)_L$×$SU(2)_R$×U(1)$_B$$_-$$_L$ gauge group, Higgs bi-doublet which includes the SM Higgs, and a $SU(2)_R$ scalar doublet field. The Coleman-Weinberg mechanism radiatively breaks $SU(2)_R$×U(1)$_B$$_-$$_L$ down to $U(1)_Y$. This $SU(2)_R$ VEV in turn produces a negative mass$^2$ coupling to the Higgs bi-doublet field which results in Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking. On the pretext of solving the Higgs vacuum instability problem, a viable parameter region is found such that the vacuum remains stable. Within this parameter region the naturalness of the theory is investigated. As the heavy gauge bosons from the $SU(2)_R$×U(1)$_B$$_-$$_L$ breaking contribute to the Higgs mass corrections, there must be a bound on these contributions so as to avoid a fine tuning scenario at the Electro-Weak scale. These heavy gauge bosons are within the reach of LHC run 2 in the coming future.