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9–11 May 2016
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

B, L, and Operator Dimension in the SM

10 May 2016, 17:45
G29 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM V


Dr Andrew Kobach (UC San Diego)


We prove that for a given operator in the SM with baryon number B and lepton number L, that the operator's dimension is even (odd) if (B-L)/2 is even (odd). Consequently, this establishes the veracity of statements that were long observed or expected to be true, but not proven, e.g., operators with B-L=0 are of even dimension, B-L must be an even number, etc. These results remain true even if the SM is augmented by any number of right-handed neutrinos with L=1.


Dr Andrew Kobach (UC San Diego)

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