The search for dark matter, which makes up to 25% of the mass of the universe, is one of today's most exciting fields of particle physics. As bigger detectors are being built to increase their sensitivity, background reduction is an ever more challenging issue. To this end, a new type of dark matter detector is being developed, a liquid xenon bubble chamber, which would combine the strength of...
I will talk about the idea of dark matter velocity spectroscopy and its application for sterile neutrino dark matter searches: how high-resolution x-ray instruments can distinguish line emission from dark matter, hot gas, and instrumental artifacts. With a sufficiently precise instrument, this general technique can provide an additional and important handle in diagnosing tentative dark matter...
Hunting for neutrinos arising from captured dark matter annihilating in the Sun has long been one of the main indirect-detection search strategies. This strategy, however, has been thought to be largely insensitive to dark matter which annihilates purely to light quarks. In this talk I will discuss prospects for probing these types of models by focusing on \textit{monoenergetic} neutrinos,...
Dark matter (DM) annihilations have been widely studied as a possible explanation of excess gamma rays from the galactic center seen by Fermi/LAT. However, most such models are in conflict with constraints from dwarf spheroidals. Motivated by this tension, I will show in this talk that p-wave annihilating dark matter can easily accommodate both sets of observations due to the lower DM velocity...
In this talk I will discuss the indirect detection signals for a self-consistent hidden U(1) sector, containing a fermionic dark matter candidate, dark Z' gauge boson and a dark Higgs. The presence of the scalar, the dark Higgs, provides a mass generation mechanism for the dark sector particles, and for some couplings is required in order to avoid unitarity violation at high energies. I will...
Motivated by the recently reported diboson and dijet excesses in Run 1 data at ATLAS and CMS, we explore models of mixed dark matter in left-right symmetric theories. Contrary to similar studies that implement pure multiplets, WIMP-nucleon scattering proceeds at tree-level, and hence the projected reach of future direct detection experiments like LUX-ZEPLIN will cover large regions of...
We present a model of dark matter where the mediator that connects the dark sector to the Standard Model is tied to electroweak symmetry breaking through the composite Higgs scenario. A non-minimal coset space furnishes pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone bosons that include both the Higgs and the additional gauge-singlet mediator. This contrasts with typical extensions of Higgs portal models in that it...