The 2 Higgs Doublet Model provides a natural extension of the Higgs sector, and predicts new high mass Higgs bosons, scalar or pseudo-scalar. This presentation reports on the searches of these particles by the ATLAS collaboration, using the first run-2 data of 3.2 fb$^{-1}$ at 13 TeV.
The observation of a Higgs-like boson with a mass near 125 GeV/c2 at the Large Hadron Collider raises a critical question of whether the new particle is in fact the SM Higgs boson. Searches for non-SM Higgs boson production and its decay modes are therefore complementary.
I will report the searches for extended Higgs sectors performed with the CMS detector. I will focus on the NMSSM model,...
The discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider strongly motivates direct searches for additional Higgs bosons. In a type I two Higgs doublet model there is a large region of parameter space at tanβ>5 that is currently unconstrained experimentally. We show that the process gg→H→AZ→ZZh can probe this region, and can be the discovery mode for an extended Higgs sector at the...
In models with extended Higgs sector and vectorlike leptons, the decay of a heavy Higgs boson can be dominated by cascade decays through new leptons. In this talk I will discuss these novel decay topologies focussing on a Higgs cascade decay where the SM Higgs is involved in the process. In this case we expect three resonance signals from combining the final states, which are quite promising...
An effective theory of the Higgs sector allows us to analyze kinematic distributions in addition to inclusive rates. But the precision of Higgs measurements at the LHC cannot guarantee a clear hierarchy of scales, casting doubt on the validity of the effective model. We analyze how well dimension-6 operators describe LHC observables in comparison to the full theory. As benchmarks we consider a...