diphoton, dijet and dilepton searches
Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model are performed in high-pT lepton final states, with or without jets, using the ATLAS experiment. These searches target a large range of beyond the Standard Model phenomenology ranging from new massive W’ or Z’ bosons, lepton flavour violation, extra dimensions, contact interactions, leptoquarks, excited leptons and strong gravity effects. The full...
Collider limits on new narrow resonances often reference specific new models, making it difficult to draw general conclusions. In this talk we discuss simplified limits which allow collider results to be displayed in a way which allows constraints on different models to be easily derived from experimental data. We show examples from recent searches for diboson and diphoton resonances at the LHC.
Beyond the standard model theories like Extra-Dimensions and Composite Higgs scenarios predict the existence of very heavy resonances compatible with a spin 0 (Radion),spin 1 (W’, Z’) and spin 2 (Graviton) particle with large branching fractions in pairs of standard model bosons and negligible branching fractions to light fermions. We present an overview of searches for new physics containing...
Many extensions to the Standard Model predict new particles decaying into two bosons. Searches for diboson resonances (WW, WZ, ZZ, WH, ZH, and HH) have been performed in final states with different numbers of leptons and using new identification techniques to disentangle the decay products in highly boosted hadronic topologies. This talk summarizes the set of such searches carried out by the...
Searches for scalar resonances are presented, using the first run-2 data of 3.2 fb^(-1) at 13 TeV. The searches use the gamma-gamma, Z-gamma, ZZ and WW decay channels, and cover a large range of masses for the hypothetical resonances.
The CMS collaboration has reported a 2.8$\sigma$ excess in the search of the $SU(2)_R$ gauge bosons decaying through right-handed neutrinos into the two electron plus two jets (eejj) final states. This can be explained if the $SU(2)_R$ charged gauge bosons $W_{R}^\pm$ have a mass of around 2 TeV and a right-handed neutrino with a mass of $\cal{O}(1)$ TeV mainly decays to electron. Indeed,...
I explore the phenomenology of various models in which scalar fields that decay to pairs of Standard Model Bosons. I consider extending the SM with scalars/pseudo-scalars in singlet and adjoint representation of SM gauge groups. I first find the most general set of dimension 5-7 effective operators which produce the scalar-boson coupling, then specify UV completions, including...