The renormalizable coloron model, which has previously been shown in the literature to be
consistent with a wide array of theoretical and precision electroweak constraints, includes a pair of spinless bosons (one scalar, one pseudoscalar). We show that either of them, or both together if they are degenerate, could be responsible for the diphoton resonance signal for which both CMS and ATLAS...
I will discuss the phenomenology of models in which the 750 GeV diphoton excess seen by ATLAS and CMS originates in a spin-0 resonance mostly coupled to electroweak gauge fields.
The grand unified group $E_6$ is a predictive scheme for physics beyond the
standard model (SM). It offers the possibility of extra Z bosons, new vector-like
fermions, sterile neutrinos, and neutral scalars in addition to the SM
Higgs boson. We discuss the Relevance of previous discussions of these features to a 750 GeV di-photon enhancement, recently observed by the ATLAS and CMS...
In both scotogenic neutrino and flavor dark matter models, the dark sector communicates with the standard model fermions via Yukawa portal couplings. We propose an economic scenario that scotogenic neutrino and flavored mediator share the same inert Higgs doublet and all are charged under a hidden gauged U(1) symmetry. The dark Z2 symmetry in dark sector is regarded as the remnant of this...
I discuss an explanation for the diphoton excess which was recently reported by the experimental collaborations. Unlike conventional interpretations in which a new, heavy resonance of 750 GeV directly decays into a pair of photons, the explanation is based on a heavier resonance involving more complicated decays. I also emphasize that this way of interpretation is not restricted to the 750 GeV...
I will discuss the question how a new Higgs boson related to the breaking of a new local symmetry in nature can lead to the observed excess in the di-photon channel. The numerical value of the di-photon rate implies an upper bound for the breaking scale of this new symmetry. The model predicts the existence of a new scalar field, which is stabilized by the remnant $Z_2$ after the gauge...
In light of the recent 750 GeV diphoton excesses reported by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, we investigate the possibility of explaining this excess using the
Minimal Dilaton Model. We find that this model is able to explain the observed excess with the presence of additional top partner(s), with same charge as the top quark, but with mass in the TeV region. We constrain model parameters...
A novel model embedding the two Higgs doublets in the popular two Higgs doublet models
into a doublet of a non-abelian gauge group $SU(2)_H$ is presented.
The Standard Model $SU(2)_L$ right-handed fermion singlets are paired up with new heavy fermions to form $SU(2)_H$ doublets,
while $SU(2)_L$ left-handed fermion doublets are singlets under $SU(2)_H$.
Two of distinctive features of...