The simplest extension of the Standard Model is to add a scalar singlet. The only renormalizable interactions with the SM are then through the Higgs boson. One interesting consequence of adding the scalar singlet is that there can be resonant double Higgs production. I will give an overview of these types of models with a specific emphasis on the enhancement of the double Higgs production...
Higgs pair production is not only interesting as a probe of the trilinear Higgs self-coupling but it can also help to constrain SM extensions. In this talk I will discuss the question whether New Physics might show up for the first time in Higgs pair production focusing on the gluon fusion production process. There is a plethora of New Physics phenomenology like new couplings, new loop...
The study of the resonant production of Higgs boson (h) pairs represents an important way to test a broad range of models of physics beyond the standard model (BSM) and offers an unique way to explore the properties of the scalar sector.
The searches for resonances decaying into a pair of Higgs bosons with the CMS experiment will be presented in this talk. Both the results established with...
I will review recently published results from the ATLAS Collaboration, focusing on di-Higgs final states and rare or exotic decays of the Higgs boson. Results will be based on either LHC Run 1 data or Run 2 data collected in 2015. Specific topics may include searches for resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs production in $b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ final states, di-Higgs production in...
The Twin Higgs model seeks to address the little hierarchy problem by making the Higgs a pseudo-Goldstone of a global $SU(4)$ symmetry that is spontaneously broken to $SU(3)$. Gauge and Yukawa couplings, which explicitly break $SU(4)$, enjoy a discrete $Z_2$ symmetry that accidentally maintains $SU(4)$ at the quadratic level and therefore keeps the Higgs light. However, making the Twin Higgs...
Many models that explain naturalness introduce colored top partners to cancel the top quadratic divergence. These colored top partners modify SM rates of gluon fusion and Higgs decays to gg and \gamma\gamma. We present a model agnostic analysis of scalar,fermionic and vector top partners and discuss the potency of other BSM scenarios like invisible Higgs decays to hide these colored top...