I will describe a simple, well-motivated model based on a custodial symmetry which describes the tree-level production of a 750 GeV diphoton resonance from a decay of a singly produced vector-like quark. The model has several novel features. The identification of the resonance as an SU(2)$ _R $ triplet provides a symmetry explanation for suppression of its decays to hh, WW, and gg. Moreover,...
I discuss the constraints implied by partial wave unitarity on new physics models explaining the LHC di-photon excess at 750 GeV. I argue that the effective description in terms of the SM supplemented by a single scalar resonance S breaks down at scales of few tens of TeV, where perturbative unitarity is violated due to the large cross-section required in order to fit the γγ signal. Likewise,...
The 750 GeV diphoton resonance could be a heavy pion of a new strong dynamics sector with a confinement scale $\mathcal{O}(1 \text{ TeV})$. New fermions, vector-like under the strong dynamics group, are chiral under a new $U(1)^\prime$ gauge symmetry such that their masses are related to the $U(1)^\prime$-breaking scale or the confinement scale. Our model predicts a phenomenologically rich...
1601.00006 Sunghoon Jung, Jeonghyeon Song, Yeo Woong Yoon
If the 750GeV diphoton excess is due to a scalar resonance produced via gg-fusion, the signal necessarily interferes with the continuum Standard Model background $gg\to \gamma \gamma$. The interference can not only change the resonance shape, but also enhance or suppress the excess rate. We take two representative examples exhibiting...
we revisit the model of a CP-even singlet scalar resonance, where the resonance appears as the lightest composite state made of scalar quarks participating in hidden strong dynamics. We show that the model can consistently explain the excess of diphoton events with an invariant mass around 750 GeV reported by both the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Due to inseparability of the dynamical scale...
We study dark matter physics of an axion-like bosonic portal model motivated by the recent report on the diphoton resonance at 750 GeV.
Identifying the resonance as the pseudo-scalar mediator between the standard model sector and dark matter sector, we could obtain profound implications to dark matter phenomenology from collider physics.
In this work, we fist find the preferred parameter...
We discuss a possible interpretation of the 750 GeV diphoton resonance, recently reported at the LHC, within a class of left-right symmetric models with gauge coupling unification. The unification is imposed by the underlying non-commutative geometry (NCG), which in these models is extended to a left-right symmetric completion of the Standard Model (SM). Within such unified left-right...