I shall present scalar extensions of the Standard Model motivated by neutrino mass and dark matter, where radiative electroweak symmetry breaking occurs naturally.
Expanding the Standard Model(SM) through the incorporation of L-R symmetric gauge extension that exhibits conformal invariance at the classical level, it is possible to remedy the Higgs vacuum instability problem. The model includes a $SU(3)_C$×$SU(2)_L$×$SU(2)_R$×U(1)$_B$$_-$$_L$ gauge group, Higgs bi-doublet which includes the SM Higgs, and a $SU(2)_R$ scalar doublet field. The...
Several radiative neutrino mass models will be considered. In the first model, a variation of the well known 2006 Scotogenic radiative seesaw model of neutrino mass will be discussed in which Standard Model (SM) is extended with Majorana Fermions, real singlet scalars, and a set of doublet fermions to realize the notion of the inverse seesaw neutrino mass naturally. The lightest of the real...
We discuss the aspects of CP-violating effects on electroweak baryogensis in models where an extra Higgs doublet, a singlet and electroweak-interacting fermions are added. It is found that one CP-phase that directly relates the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) to the electric dipole moment (EDM) exists. Moreover, it is obtained that the parameter region for the successful BAU can be...
We prove that for a given operator in the SM with baryon number B and lepton number L, that the operator's dimension is even (odd) if (B-L)/2 is even (odd). Consequently, this establishes the veracity of statements that were long observed or expected to be true, but not proven, e.g., operators with B-L=0 are of even dimension, B-L must be an even number, etc. These results remain true even...
Any new particle charged under $SU(3)_C$ and carrying electric charge will leave an imprint in the di-photon invariant mass spectrum as it can mediate $gg \to \gamma \gamma$ process through loops.
The combination of properties of loop functions and gluon pdfs results in a peak-like feature in the di-photon invariant mass around twice the mass of a given particle.
Using recent ATLAS...