The Dark Matter (DM) nature remains one of the great puzzles of particle
physics; while we know that about 27% of the universe is in the form of
DM, little is known about its properties. If produced at the LHC, it should couple to the standard model though some mediator. The mediator can decay into dark
matter particles that escape the detector, leaving a large missing transverse
CMS Mono-X (X=jet, V, photon, heavy flavors, etc.) searches will be discussed mainly.
The general strategy for dark matter (DM) searches at colliders currently relies on simplified models, which typically have a limited number of free parameters. In the case of $t$-channel colored mediators, these simplified models often have assumptions on the chirality of the DM-SM interactions with quarks, though generically a UV-complete model with such colored mediators would lead to the...
We present a complete phenomenological prospectus for thermal relic neutralinos. Including Sommerfeld enhancements to relic abundance and halo annihilation calculations, we obtain direct, indirect, and collider discovery prospects for all neutralinos with mass parameters M1, M2, |μ|<4 TeV, which freeze out to the observed dark matter abundance, with scalar superpartners decoupled. Much of the...
We supplement the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with vector-like copies of standard model particles. Such 4th generation fields can simultaneously increase the Bino mass without overclosing the universe, achieve the right Higgs mass with more natural superpartner masses and preserve gauge coupling unification. We verify that the model is safe from current bounds and discuss...
We consider a concise dark matter scenario in the minimal gauged $B-L$ extension of the Standard Model (SM), where the global $B-L$ (baryon number minus lepton number) symmetry in the SM is gauged,
and three generations of right-handed neutrinos and a $B-L$ Higgs field are introduced.
Associated with the $B-L$ gauge symmetry breaking by a VEV of the $B-L$ Higgs field,
the seesaw...
We investigate constraints on the interactions of light dark matter with Standard Model quarks in a framework with effective contact operators mediating the decay of heavy flavor bound state quarkonium to dark matter and a photon. When considered in combination with decays to purely invisible final states, constraints from heavy quarkonium decays at high intensity electron-positron colliders...