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3rd EuCARD-2 Annual Meeting

Valletta Campus (University of Malta)

Valletta Campus

University of Malta


EuCARD-2 is organizing this third Annual Meeting on 26 - 28 April 2016, hosted by the University of Malta in Valletta, Malta.

The meeting will review the status of accelerator R&D in Europe and will report the progress and activity of the EuCARD-2 work packages in fields as varied as high field magnets, advanced collimation materials, innovative radio-frequency technologies, novel accelerator concepts, accelerator applications, energy efficient accelerators, new accelerator designs, and paths to improving performance for existing accelerators. Plenary sessions will take place on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th April, and the Governing Board will meet on April 26th. As usual, a series of parallel work package meetings will follow on 28th and 29th April.

The meeting is open to EuCARD-2 members, for whom the meeting fee is covered by the EuCARD-2 management. External and local participants willing to attend the meeting are invited to contact the meeting secretariat for information regarding conditions and fees. 


  • Adrian Fabich
  • Adriana Rossi
  • Akira Yamamoto
  • Alessandro Bertarelli
  • Alexander Pukhov
  • Alexander Ryazanov
  • Amos Dexter
  • anna kario
  • Antti Stenvall
  • Ben Woolley
  • Cedric Thaury
  • David Grech
  • David Meer
  • David Ondreka
  • Dino Jaroszynski
  • Erk Jensen
  • Ernest Cachia
  • Federico Carra
  • Fernando Toral
  • Francesco Taccogna
  • Franck Peauger
  • Frank Zimmermann
  • Gianluca Valentino
  • Giulia Bellodi
  • Giuliano Franchetti
  • Honorata Środek-Kurowska
  • Jaakko Murtomäki
  • Jennifer Toes
  • Jens Stadlmann
  • Jerzy Lorkiewicz
  • Jorge Guardia Valenzuela
  • Julia Double
  • Kevin Vella
  • Kurt Aulenbacher
  • Laurent Nadolski
  • Lorenzo Peroni
  • Lucio Rossi
  • Malte Kaluza
  • Mamad Eshraqi
  • marco cavenago
  • Maria Durante
  • Marija Cauchi
  • Marilena Tomut
  • Marta Bajko
  • Matthew Wing
  • Maurizio Vretenar
  • Michae Dehler
  • michael attard
  • Michael Kitzmantel
  • Mike Seidel
  • Miryea Borg
  • Nicholas Sammut
  • Nicoleta Baboi
  • Nikolaj Zangenberg
  • Olle Lundh
  • Peter Mcintosh
  • Peter Spiller
  • Pierluigi Mollicone
  • Ralph Wolfgang Assmann
  • Riccardo Bartolini
  • Rob Edgecock
  • Roy Aleksan
  • Ryszard Romaniuk
  • Sebastian Heberer
  • Stephen Gibson
  • Stephen Peggs
  • Stuart Green
  • Susanna Guiducci
  • Sven Pfeiffer
  • Svetlomir Stavrev
  • Thomas Flisgen
  • Tim Tsarfati
  • Tord Johan Carl Ekelof
  • Toshiyuki Mitsuhashi
  • Ulrich Dorda
  • Ursula van Rienen
  • Victor Malka
  • Vlad Skarda
  • Walter Wuensch
  • Yannis Papaphilippou
  • Åke Andersson