26–30 Sept 2016
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Radiation hard High-Speed Optical Links for HEP

29 Sept 2016, 09:00
Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40)

Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40)


Paulo Rodrigues Simoes Moreira (CERN)


Optical links are ubiquitous in particle physics data acquisition systems spanning experiment control, data-acquisition and trigger applications. With today’s computing power, future data acquisition systems could benefit from collecting data from large segments of the detectors and involve them in trigger systems. This places challenges on optical links for High Energy Physics requiring high data-rate and low-power consumption components. The HL – LHC upgrade radiation will be 10 times higher than in the LHC environment requiring careful choice and qualification of ASIC technologies. In this talk the LHC links will be reviewed and current developments for the HL – LHC upgrade discussed.

Presentation materials