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28 August 2016 to 10 September 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Practical information

Date and Place

The 39th CERN School of Computing will be held in Mol, Belgium at SCK•CEN, from Monday 29 August to Friday 9 September 2016 inclusive. Students should aim to arrive by early evening of Sunday 28 August and leave on Saturday 10 September.

The school is organized by CERN in collaboration with SCK-CEN and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

The event will be hosted onsite at SCK•CEN.  SCK•CEN is located in a unique 334 hectare rural setting stretching from Mol-Achterbos to Mol-Donk. About 90% of the site is made up of lakes, streams, fields and woods, providing a beautiful setting for learning.

Boeretang 201
B-2400 Mol, Belgium
Telephone +32 14 33 20 60 or +32 14 33 20 57

Google Maps:

Who can apply

The School is open to postgraduate students and research workers with a few years' experience in elementary particle physics, in computing, in engineering or in related fields.

Attendance is limited to 50 students. Participation is open to all nationalities coming from any country.

Attendance at the school is for the entire programme; it is not possible to register or follow one track only.

How to apply

The deadline for application has been extended to 3 June 2016. All applications willl then be subject to a selection process, according to the number of places available. Applicants will be informed in early June if they are successful.

Candidates should ensure that they have, by 3 June 2016:

  • completed the online Application Form 
  • uploaded a signed formal letter of reference (on formal headed paper from the applicant's institute/organization) from their professor or supervisor.
  • uploaded a certification form, signed by the applicant's professor or supervisor (and not by the applicant). 

We have provided templates for the Reference Letter and the Certification Form to help you - these can be found on the event home page under "Materials".

Selection of participants

The selection of the participants will be made by the School Advisory Committee. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by the end of June 2016.

Only applicants who receive the confirmation letter of selection from the School will be invited to pay. 

CSC Diploma & ECTS credits

Students who have successfully passed the examination and followed the entire programme will receive the CSC diploma. It will be presented at the closing session.

The VUB will grant 6 ECTS credits for students who pass the exam.

Students who followed the entire programme but did not successfully pass the final exam will receive a certificate of attendance.


Participants will be accommodated at or very close to SCK•CEN.


The language of the School is English. There will be no simultaneous translation. Participants should have sufficient understanding of English to enable them to benefit from the School.

Laptop Requirements

The School requires every student to have a laptop computer (PC or Mac) for the exercises. Please check the minimum requirements at

If you do not own or cannot bring a laptop which meets these requirements, please contact us so we can arrange a solution. 


All meals are included in the school fee. The first meal will be the dinner on Sunday 28 August evening and the last one will be breakfast on Saturday 10 September 2016.

Participants should note that lunch on Sunday 28 August 2016 is not provided, only the dinner.

Participants are warned that all regular lunches and dinners will have a common, buffet-style, menu. There is no a-la-carte facility and it will not be possible to accommodate special dietary restrictions.

Travel arrangements & visa

Participants should arrive at SCK•CEN for on-site registration during the afternoon or early evening of Sunday 28 August 2016.

Participants are responsible for organising their own travel to and from the school location. The school does not organize travel tickets for participants. The travel cost to and from the school is not included in the school fee.

Participants are responsible for obtaining a valid visa to enter the country of the school location when this is required. The cost of the visa is not included in the school fee.

School Fee

The total fee of the School is EUR 1’400 per participant.

The fee covers:

  • Tuition and handouts.
  • Accommodation from arrival day Sunday 28 August, to departure day Saturday 10 September.
  • All dinners from Sunday 28 August to Friday 9 September.
  • Lunches and two daily coffee breaks from Monday 29 August to Friday 9 September.
  • All organized social activities (sport, excursions, special dinners ...) of which details will be given at a later time.

The fee does NOT cover:

  • travel expenses from the participants' home location or working place to the School location in Mol and back.
  • The cost of a travel visa when required.
  • The school will neither arrange accommodation nor will cover any cost associated to extended stay of the students in Mol. Participants arriving before Sunday evening 28 August or leaving after Saturday 10 September a.m. will have to organize themselves their extended stay.
  • Any extra cost incurred during the stay (including private excursions, private expenses in the hotel and on the campus, private transport costs, private meals, ...) will not be borne by the school organization.
  • Any cost incurred by a participant not following the official excursion or social programme (e.g. meal cost of a participant not attending an excursion which includes a meal) will not be borne by the school organization.
  • Any other expenses not explicitly mentioned are not included in the fee
Method of payment

Only applicants who have received the Letter of Acceptance from the School may be considered a participant, and can then proceed to paying fees. Please do not attempt to pay before then.

Participants must pay the fee in full prior to the school, otherwise there is a risk their place will be offered to someone else. 

Payment details are included in the letter of invitation.

CERN-based individuals

For those based at CERN, the fee is CHF 1560, to be paid by TID. Please ensure the name and "CSC2016 fees" are clearly marked in the General Description field.

Please use the following information to correctly set-up the TID:

  • Supplier Technical Contact: Alberto PACE
  • Supplier (creditor) budget code: 23104

The CERN School of Computing Advisory Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation. However, each case of cancellation would be considered individually.


In all cases of withdrawal or cancellation, whether last-minute or otherwise, the choice of a replacement, if any, will lie entirely with the Advisory Committee and not with the laboratory or institute where the withdrawing participant works.

Liability and Insurance

Participation in the CERN School of Computing and in all activities organized in the framework thereof (whether by CERN or by third parties) is at the participant's own risk and neither CERN nor the third parties concerned accept any liability with regard thereto. Equipment and materials made available to participants during the CERN School of Computing are made available on an "as-is-basis" without any warranties express or implied. Their use shall be under the sole responsibility and at the sole risk of the participants.

Participants shall be solely responsible and liable regarding their property and CERN shall have no liability in case of loss, theft or damage thereof.

Participants shall ensure that, there shall at all times during the latter's participation in the CERN School of Computing be insurance cover against illnesses and accidents valid in the place of venue, and against disability and death resulting from illnesses and accidents of the participants. The participant shall hold CERN free and harmless from, and indemnify it for any cost or expense resulting from the situation where any part of the insurance cover detailed above is not in place.


Please address all enquiries and correspondence to: