Huada School on QCD 2016: QCD in the EIC Era
Central China Normal University
Deadline for application: May 6, 2016.
The study of strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions is one of the frontiers in high-energy nuclear physics. To better serve the research in this area and train future generation of physicists, the Institute of Particle Physics at the Central China Normal University has held annual “Huada School on QCD” sine 2012. The 5th Huada School on QCD: QCD in the EIC Era will be held this year at Central China Normal University from May 23 to June 3, 2016. This two-week school is designed to provide professional training for graduate students, postdocs, junior research scientists and young teachers in the area of high-energy nuclear physics. We have invited Dr. Christopher Lee (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Dr. Jianwei Qiu (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Prof. C.-P. Yuan (Michigan State University) and Prof. Bowen Xiao (Central China Normal University) to give series of lectures on the basic theory and application of QCD in Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). The main topics to be covered include Factorization and resummation in QCD, QCD in collisions with polarized beams, small-x physics and gluon saturation physics, soft collinear effective theory in QCD. A one-day symposium will be held to discuss the latest development in EIC physics.
There is no registration fee. Lunch and dinner are provided free of charge. The accommodation will be arranged at the Gui-yuan Hotel on the campus of CCNU. Students will be responsible for their own hotel and travel expenses. Limited support for local expenses (hotel and meals) is available for students from outside China. Those interested in the school should apply as soon as possible. The admission to the school will be based on the application dates and the status of the students in their graduate study. The summer school is funded by CCNU, and NSFC Grant for Innovative Research Team at CCNU, Center for Nuclear Matter Science, MOE Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics and Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
Biao Tu
Bo-Lin Li
Bo-Yan Cui
Bojana Blagojevic
Chi Yang
Danna Kou
fan man
Fei Sun
Florent Scarpa
Guoyang Ma
Hai Xiao Xiao
Hai-Ling Lao
Hanzhong Zhang
Hao Sheng
Hou Wenjie
Hushnud Jahan
indrani nilima
Jian Li
Jiang Zefang
Jie Hui Zhu
Jisi Pan
Jun Yan
Jun-Kang He
Kaibao Chen
Ke-Ming Shen
Kun Jiang
Kun Wang
Li Yang
Li Zili
Li-Na Gao
Lin Chen
Liu Chang
Long Ma
Man Xie
manman Wang
Mei Chuhao
Na Wu
Ning-Bo Chang
Pei-lin Yin
Peng Liu
Pengfei Wang
PengHui Huang
Qi-An Zhang
Qianqian Du
Qing Zhang
Ru-Min Wang
Sa Wang
ShanLiang Zhang
Shen ShuWan
Sheng Jin-Huan
Shi Yuanmei
Shu-yi Wei
Shuai Yang
Sifu Luo
Sihong Zhou
Siqi Xu
Ting Bai
Wangmei Zha
Wei Xie
Weihua Yang
WenJing Xing
Xiaozhi Bai
Xie Yaping
Xin Ai
Xin Xie
xin zhang
Xin-li Sheng
Xin-Qiang Li
Ya Lu
Ya-Hui Chen
Ya-peng Zhao
Yan-Bing Wei
yang yang
yaqi zhang
Yasuki Tachibana
Yayun He
Yi-Lun Du
Yifei Xu
YiLong Wang
Yong Xu
Yu Shi
Yuanyuan Zhang
Zhang Shipeng
Zhen-qi Liu
Zheng Duxin
Zhu Chuanzhen
丽芬 赖
媛媛 李
敏敏 朱
敬 武
方敏 蔡
晴 兰
王 磊
琳琳 黄
祥宇 吴
罗 傲
金利 张