9:00 AM
--- Registration ---
9:30 AM
Thorium power - where are we?
Robert Cywinski
10:15 AM
Energy Efficiency of Accelerator Driven Sub-critical Reactors for Nuclear Waste Transmutation
Malek Haj Tahar
10:45 AM
Thorium Fuelled reactors: do they need an accelerator?
Roger Barlow
(University of Huddersfield (GB))
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
The Future of Nuclear Energy; Chemistry is the Problem, Accelerators the Solution
- Dr
Charlie Bowman
(ADNA Corporation)
9:30 AM
iThEC ADS Initiatives
Maurice Bourquin
(University of Geneva)
10:15 AM
Current research on ADS at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Miroslav Zeman
(Brno University of Technology)
10:45 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:15 AM
the present status and future plans of Chinese ADS project
Yuan He
9:30 AM
Practical experience of running the ISIS proton accelerator spallation source
John Thomason
10:00 AM
A compact, high power FFAG proton driver for ADS
Carol Johnstone
10:30 AM
Studies of The PSI Injector II high current cyclotron
Anna Maria Kolano
10:45 AM
Simulation and parametrisation of spallation neutron distributions
Asiya Rummana
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Recent developments of high purity niobium metal ingots for ADS applications
Gustavo Abdo
6:00 PM
--- Informal gathering ---
12:00 PM
Low Cost is Mandatory for Widespread Success
- Mr
Lars Jorgensen
(ThorCon, Royal Oaks, CA, USA)
12:30 PM
Virginia Tech Activities on the Design and Analysis of Advanced Subcritical Reactor Systems
- Prof.
Alireza Haghighat
(1Nuclear Science and Engineering Lab (NSEL) at Arlington, Nuclear Engineering Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech)
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
MYRRHA project status and contribution for HLW management and SMR based on Lead Technology
Hamid Aït Abderrahim
2:45 PM
Accelerator Reliability requirements for ADS: the MYRRHA project goals
- Dr
Tomas Junquera
(Accelerator and Cryogenic Systems)
3:15 PM
Modelling accelerator reliability
Miha Rescic
3:30 PM
--- Tea ---
4:00 PM
Prototyping activities in view of realising the phase 1 accelerator for MYRRHA
Dirk Vandeplassche
4:30 PM
- Mr
David Sangcheol Lee
5:00 PM
--- Reception ---
12:00 PM
Reliability and fault-tolerance strategy in CADS linac and beam commissioning of CADS injector-I
Cai Meng
12:45 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Status and challenges of the European Spallation Source
Roland Garoby
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
2:15 PM
The Beam Raster System of the European Spallation Source
Heine Thomsen
(Aarhus University, Denmark)
2:45 PM
--- Tea ---
3:15 PM
Reliability of high power neutron sources in the design phase
Enric Bargalló
(European Spallation Source)
3:45 PM
An Overview of the High Power Radio-Frequency Distribution System of the ESS
Norman Turner
(University of Huddersfield)
4:05 PM
DOE/NNSA paying for an ADS pilot plant to dispose of WGU?
Rolland Johnson
(Muons, Inc.)
7:30 PM
--- Conference Dinner ---
12:00 PM
On the qualification of niobium materials for Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavity applications
- Dr
Ganapati Myneni
(Accelerator R&D, Jefferson Lab, 12050 Jefferson Ave, MS 602, Newport News, VA 23606 USA)
12:30 PM
ADSRs and Thorium power - what next?
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---