Sep 14 – 16, 2016
Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Trieste | 14-16 September 2016  

A workshop on Advanced Low Emittance Rings Technology (ALERT 2016) is organized by ELETTRA on the 14th and 16th of September 2016, as a series of the Low Emittance Rings (LOWεRING) Workshops, supported by the EUCARD2 project.

This will be the 2nd workshop on Low Emittance Rings technology after the one organized in the 2014 in Valencia.

The state of the art in the design of accelerator systems in light source storage rings has today many challenges and issues in common with those of linear collider damping rings and future e+/e-€ circular collider projects. A series of  workshops were made since 2010  aiming at strengthening the collaborations within the low emittance rings' community, including the LOWεRING collaboration network and the USR workshops community.

The goal of the ALERT2016 workshop is to bring together scientists but also industrial partners who are designing and building hardware for low emittance rings, with an emphasis on studies and experimental programs in existing rings and facilities. The impact of targeting and reaching ultra-low emittances to the design of technical systems will be addressed, including operational issues, manufacturing tolerances, calibration and stability/repeatability problems, in an environment dominated by synchrotron radiation.

With MAX IV in commissioning and ESRF II and Sirius in construction, this workshop will benefit from the technological solutions already tested at these labs and important lessons could be learned.

Workshop sessions will include:

  • Insertion devices (including also superconducting devices)
  • Magnets and alignment
  • Injection systems (kickers, multipoles etc)
  • RF systems,  choices and design
  • Vacuum systems and vacuum chambers
  • Feedback systems
  • Instrumentation

Proposals for contributions to the workshop should be addressed to one of the Scientific Committee members

Scientific Committee
Riccardo Bartolini
Raffaella Geometrante
Susanna Guiducci
Emanuel Karantzoulis
Ioannis Papaphilipou
Pantaleo Raimondi
Richard Walker
Hermann Schmickler
Pedro Fernandes Tavares
Ryutaro Nagaoka
Vlad Scarda


Local organizing committee
Emanuel Karantzoulis (chair)
Roberta Casson
Stefano Deiuri
Monica Maccari
Cristiana Roberti
Roberto Visintini


EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453

Trieste, Italy
SAVOIA EXCELSIOR PALACE Riva del Mandracchio, 4 34124 Trieste Italia