8:00 AM
(until 8:30 AM)
8:30 AM
Diagnostics, Instrumentation and coating
(until 10:45 AM)
8:30 AM
Ultra-low vertical emittance measurements in the Australian Light Source
- Prof.
Mark Boland
(Australian Synchrotron)
8:55 AM
Conceptual design of X-ray interferometer for extremely apparent small beam size in FCC-ee and beam halo measurement with coronagraph for HL LHC
- Prof.
Toshiyuki Mitsuhash
9:20 AM
Ultra-short bunch length diagnostics
Axel Bernhard
9:45 AM
Laser engineered surfaces
- Prof.
Amin Abdolvand
(Dundee University)
10:10 AM
Experience with coating of low gap chambers
Roberto Kersevan
10:35 AM
10:45 AM
coffee break / Workshop Photo
(until 11:00 AM)
11:00 AM
Vaccuum and other Key technologies and engineering
(until 1:15 PM)
11:00 AM
MAX IV 3 GeV ring vacuum system
- Mr
Marek Grabski
11:25 AM
Vacuum systems for DDBA and lessons learned for Diamond-II
- Dr
Matthew Cox
11:50 AM
Experience and future trends of Harmonic RF systems
- Dr
John Byrd
12:15 PM
Transverse and horizontal beam size diagnostics with visible SR
- Dr
Åke Andersson
12:40 PM
Particle Accelerator Components’ Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale (PACMAN)
Michele Modena
1:05 PM