9:00 AM
CMS Open Data
Kati Lassila-Perini
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
9:35 AM
Proposal of a "Les Houches Analysis Description Accord"
Sezen Sekmen
(Kyungpook National University (KR))
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
10:05 AM
Constraining BSM (simplified) models with SM measurements
Jonathan Butterworth
(University College London (UK))
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
10:35 AM
--- Coffee & tea break ---
11:00 AM
Using the LHC results
(until 1:00 PM)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
11:00 AM
The Gauge-Higgs Legacy of the LHC Run I
Juan Gonzalez Fraile
(Universitaet Heidelberg)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
11:13 AM
Same sign dilepton signals of wide composite vector resonances
Daniele Barducci
(Unite Reseaux du CNRS (FR))
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
11:26 AM
Dilepton constraints in the Inert Doublet Model
Andreas Goudelis
(HEPHY Vienna)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
11:39 AM
Hunting for neutral, long-lived exotica at the LHC using a missing transverse energy signature
Marc Thomas
(Southampton University)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
11:52 AM
Combination of Run-1 Exotic Searches in Diboson Final States at the LHC
Maxime Gouzevitch
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
12:05 PM
Constraining momentum dependent dark matter interactions with monojet searches at the LHC
Dipan Sengupta
(LPSC Grenoble)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
12:18 PM
On the coverage of the pMSSM by Simplified Model results
Ursula Laa
(LPSC Grenoble)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
12:31 PM
Exploration of simplified top-philic models
Kentarou Mawatari
(LPSC Grenoble)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
12:44 PM
First interpretation of 13 TeV supersymmetry searches in the pMSSM
Jesse Liu
(University of Oxford)
(4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)