- Common time representation possible?
- Time interval union for DayaBay/LZ
- Would like to have Gaudi tasks/schedulables ("ITask")
- Would like to have a framework interface
for scheduling grouped condition IO
+ efficient derivation using concurrent algs
("ConditionTask" concept)
- ConditionSvc's "prepare" hook is good for scheduling IO efficiently
- Want to annotate tasks as IO-bound/blocking
so that scheduler can put it on an additional OS thread
- Do we really need control flow in condition generation?
(condition gen must be done, it has no optional part like event processing)
- ConditionSvc::prepare() can be a hook to any condition generation process,
synchronous or asynchronous, isn't it?
- What does the user see?
- ConditionHandle + a way to register them to the framework
- Need a hook to know what condition generation to schedule and when
- Should have a way to call prepare() before an event is actually scheduled
because prepare() can fail if condition storage is full
- If the scheduler manages IoVs, what is the interface to it ?
(what information flows where, when?)
- If all the scheduler does is ask special algorithms whether they need to be
executed, that's a fine scheduler/condition decoupling
- Does the condition overhead really matter?
- One reason to start w/ simple implementations?
- LHCb trigger scheduling has a strange oscillating behaviour
due to scheduling bottlenecks
- Due to on-demand condition loads
- Preload required, not enforced
- The interface must be right, even if implementation can need fixing
- Regarding preloading, need advance knowledge of data required for loading
- Should we have an interface for data prefetching across multiple events?
- We should focus on the interfaces that all experiments need in Gaudi
- We should be able to swap implementations (DD4Hep vs IoV aware scheduler)
- LHCb would want to outsource condition management outside Gaudi-land
- Can be done if Gaudi scheduler can manage blocking tasks
- Key parts of the interface: registering condition requirements + "prepare/release"