3–7 Apr 2017
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

Generalized TMDs in the exclusive double Drell-Yan process

5 Apr 2017, 15:12
West Building Seminar Room 1

West Building Seminar Room 1

WG6) Spin and 3D Structure WG6 Spin and 3D Structure


Ms Shohini Bhattacharya (Temple University)


Generalized TMDs (GTMDs) of hadrons are the most general two-parton correlation functions. Upon certain projections several GTMDs reduce to generalized parton distributions and transverse momentum dependent parton distributions, respectively. Therefore they can be considered as partonic "mother functions". Moreover, two of the GTMDs play an important and unique role in the spin structure of hadrons.
By studying the exclusive double Drell-Yan process we show, for the first time, explicitly that quark GTMDs can in principle be measured. We will also address other processes that are directly sensitive to GTMDs.


Ms Shohini Bhattacharya (Temple University)


Prof. Andreas Metz (Temple University) Prof. Jian Zhou (Shandong University)

Presentation materials