3–7 Apr 2017
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

Completing the hadronic Higgs boson decay at order $\alpha_s^4$

4 Apr 2017, 14:00
Nuffield Building G17

Nuffield Building G17

WG3) Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions WG3 Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions


Josh Davies


We compute top-quark induced contributions to the hadronic decay of the standard model Higgs boson, to the fourth order in $\alpha_s$. We work in an effective theory in which the Higgs boson may couple directly to bottom quarks and gluons. Our results prove to be of a comparable size to the purely massless contributions available in the literature.


Josh Davies Matthias Steinhauser (KIT) Mr David Wellmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials