Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS), in which the electron scatters from a parton inside a hadron and a high energy photon is produced as a result, is considered the golden channel for accessing Generalised Parton Distributions (GPDs), in a form of hadron tomography. One can interpret GPDs as functions relating the transverse position of partons to their longitudinal momentum and as such they carry sensitivity to the spin structure of the hadron. Extraction of GPDs is highly non-trivial and requires measurements of a range of complementary observables across large regions of phase space. Recently, a series of such measurements at Jefferson Lab (JLab), USA, have provided a wealth of new DVCS data in the valence quark regime of the nucleon, while the experimental programme with the JLab upgraded 11 GeV beam will greatly extend the dataset in its kinematic reach. This enables a global analysis of the data, dramatically constraining the extraction of GPDs and deepening our understanding of the three-dimensional structure of the nucleon.