10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

The Early Career, Gender & Diversity Office at the LHCb experiment

12 Jul 2019, 17:30
ICC - Baeckeland 2 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 2


Parallel talk Outreach, Education, and Diversity Outreach, Education, and Diversity


Vitalii Lisovskyi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


The mandate of the Early Career, Gender & Diversity (ECGD) office is to oversee the well being and working environment of all LHCb members. The ECGD office was created by the LHCb management in 2014. Since March 2019, the role of the ECGD office is defined in the LHCb constitution and one ECGD officer is invited to attend the LHCb Collaboration Board as a non-voting member. The ECGD officers advise the LHCb management and act as LHCb contacts for all matters related to ECGD. They are available for listening to and advising - in a confidential manner - colleagues who have witnessed or have been subject to harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour. They help raise awareness in the collaboration for topics related to ECGD, for example by organizing regular meetings within the collaboration and by advertising related activities that are ongoing outside the collaboration. In this talk we briefly introduce the ECGD office, we share the experience gained over the last years, with special emphasis on developments since the last EPS-HEP conference, and we present our vision for the future evolution of the ECGD.


Presentation materials