10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Searches for supersymmetric particles with macroscopic or stable lifetimes using the ATLAS detector

12 Jul 2019, 15:30
Campus Ledeganck - Aud. 1 (Ghent)

Campus Ledeganck - Aud. 1


Parallel talk Searches for New Physics Searches for New Physics


Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))


Supersymmetric models present a wide variety of signatures that might be accessible at the LHC. In some cases supersymmetric particles may acquire finite lifetimes, and once produced in collisions, their direct trajectories or decay products can be observed as highly distinctive signatures with relatively small backgrounds. In recent years, the capability of the ATLAS experiment to search for such long-lived supersymmetric particles has been expanded, as these scenarios have been capturing more attention. The latest results of these searches will be presented in this talk.


Aurelio Juste Rozas (ICREA and IFAE (ES))

Presentation materials