10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Transverse Momentum Dependent splitting kernels from kT-factorization

12 Jul 2019, 11:45
Campus Ledeganck - Aud. 6 (Ghent)

Campus Ledeganck - Aud. 6


Parallel talk QCD and Hadronic Physics QCD and Hadronic Physics


Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla)


Transverse Momentum Dependent parton distribution functions allow to take into account apart from the proton momentum fraction also transverse momenta of initial partons in the description of hadronic cross-section. They are therefore a promising tool to obtain a more precise description of kinematics of hadronic observables. In this talk we present our most recent results in the determination of transverse-momentum-dependent splitting kernels, started in refs. [arXiv:1711.04587, arXiv:1607.01507, arXiv:1511.08439]. Our approach is based on a combination of high energy and collinear factorization and aims at the formulation of a generalized TMD framework. So far we obtained a complete set of real-emission kernels (Pgg, Pgq, Pqg and Pqq) at leading order. After introducing the methods used for defining and computing the real contributions, we concentrate on the current effort aiming at the determination of virtual corrections. We further will provide details on the possible relation of our framework to existing QCD operator definitions of TMD distribution.


Martin Hentschinski (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla) Aleksander Kusina (IFJ PAN) Krzysztof Kutak (Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk) Mirko Serino

Presentation materials