I will present a number of calculations relevant for hadronic
contributions to the muon $g-2$. These include issues relevant for the
Light-by-light part, i.e. proper constraints on the short-distnace part [1]
and understanding a number of aspects of pion-exchange, here with
regards to the cancellation between connected and disconnected parts
in lattice QCD, and the two-pion contribution [2]. For the
hadronic-vacuum-polarization part we present results at the two-loop order
for connected/disconnected contributions [3] and purely hadronic [4]
as well as electromagnetic finite volume corrections.
[1] J.~Bijnens, Nils Hermansson-Truedsson and A. Rodriguez-Sanchez,
short-distance constraints on HLbL,
work in progress.
[2] J.~Bijnens and J.~Relefors,
``Pion light-by-light contributions to the muon $g-2$,''
JHEP {\bf 1609} (2016) 113
[arXiv:1608.01454 [hep-ph]].
[3] J.~Bijnens and J.~Relefors,
``Connected, Disconnected and Strange Quark Contributions to HVP,''
JHEP {\bf 1611} (2016) 086
[arXiv:1609.01573 [hep-lat]].
[4] J.~Bijnens and J.~Relefors,
``Vector two-point functions in finite volume using partially quenched chiral perturbation theory at two loops,''
JHEP {\bf 1712} (2017) 114
[arXiv:1710.04479 [hep-lat]].
[5] J.~Bijnens, J.~Harrison, N.~Hermansson-Truedsson, T.~Janowski, A.~Jüttner and A.~Portelli,
``Electromagnetic finite-size effects to the hadronic vacuum polarization,''
arXiv:1903.10591 [hep-lat].